Dossier: Palestinian women observe higher cure rate for breast cancer – Xinhua


by Fatima Aruri

RAMALLAH, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) – The cure rate for women diagnosed with early-stage bad cancer in the West Bank has reached nearly 90 percent, the Palestinian Health Ministry said in October.

Figures released by the ministry indicated that a total of 503 new cases of the disease were reported in 2017 in the West Bank, while 327 new cases were recorded in Gaza.

Since the beginning of 2018, 3,850 women have had an early bad cancer examination, of which 210 have requested special medical treatment or referral.

The increase in the number of early detection cases has reduced the survival rate of this fatal disease from less than 50% in 2016 to around 90% in 2018, thanks to persistent awareness-raising campaigns by health organizations. Palestinian civil society.

On Friday, the 2018 Pink Marathon was held in Ramallah, in the central West Bank, to raise awareness of bad cancer and encourage patients to face it.

Laila Ghannam, governor of Ramallah and Al-Bireh, who also took part in the event, expressed hope that this event could usher in a culture of fighting bad cancer in the region.

"I salute the bad cancer survivors who took part in the marathon today, they represent success stories and a message to all women so that they can overcome this disease," she said. she declared.

"I also salute the men who took part in the marathon because some see the pink marathon as a women's event, but it is not an event of the two bades." she added.

About 500 Palestinians, individuals and families, young and old, participated in the annual pink marathon, traveling nearly 3 km through the city, wearing pink t-shirts and slogans clearly calling for the importance of early detection.

Hana Allan, who overcame bad cancer four years ago, said the course was not easy and urged women to be examined sooner because they can be totally cured.

"I am here to support others, because my personal experience has been very difficult, I would like to participate in this marathon to sensitize all women to the need for early detection checks, which will help contain the disease and the chances of survival. " about 90 percent. It's also a message of general support to say that we have to take care of ourselves, "Allan said.

Mohammad Kharouf, another runner, told Xinhua that he was here to support women and spread the message that bad cancer can be cured through early detection.

"We hear about bad cancer, especially among women, and its spread.There are appropriate treatments, but it takes time and early detection, essential to help women to recover," did he declare.

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