Israeli students mark 'Black South' in protest of incendiary terror – Arab-Israeli Conflict


Israeli students mark 'Black South' in protest of incendiary terror

Fires rage in southern Israel as a result of incendiary kites and balloons launched from the Gaza Strip.
                 (photo credit: KKL-JNF)


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"Black South," a campaign to increase awareness of the plight of Gaza Border communities that has been suffering from incendiary balloon terror for roughly six months.

"32,000 dunams were scorched because of incendiary kites terror." Eighty-one towns in the Gaza borderlines no longer look the same, "the black-shirt clad students said in a video released ahead of Tuesday,"

"On Tuesday, we will all arrive [in school] wearing black shirts, to raise awareness and show solidarity with the pain of those who live in the south [of the country], "They said.

Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council Students began a five-day march to the Knesset in protest over the difficult high school conditions in the country.

The Palestinians have been killed and thousands wounded.

In response, the IDF struck 80 terrorist targets in Gaza.

On Sunday, Israeli media reported that Hamas and Israel are moving closer to reaching out to an understanding of Egypt that would reduce the risk of further clashes and violence. So far these reports had not been officially confirmed or denied.

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