US-funded Hebrew Charter students travel to Israel | The Jewish Press – | Hana Levi Julian | 27 Heshvan 5779 – 4 November 2018


Photo Credit: Courtesy, Public School Hebrew School System

Students from the Hebrew Language Academy in Brooklyn and the Hatikvah International Academy of East Brunswick, NJ, during their trip to Israel.

Students in the second clbad of the Hebrew public charter school network traveled to Israel to see for themselves the land of which they spoke the language and culture they had learned. They visited tourist sites, harvested olives and met their peers in southern Tel Aviv as well as in the Ethiopian, Druze and Bedouin sectors.

There are currently three campus schools in the Hebrew Language Public Charter in New York and nine affiliated schools across the United States, serving the local population with a total of 3,000 students.

In most schools, a large majority of students from African American, Hispanic and Asian communities are acquiring a Master's degree in Hebrew and becoming familiar with Israel. Some students are Jewish and Israeli and prefer the Hebrew public charter system because of its high standards.

"These trips are vitally important as we seek to educate the Hebrew-loving citizens of the world, the people and the state of Israel," said Valerie Khaytina, executive director of the Hebrew Public Charter system. .

"We hope that these feelings will last a lifetime and that bringing our students to Israel so that they see the country, the culture and the language they study every day will become a milestone." of their life.

"We also hope that over the next few years, 10,000 American children from all walks of life will learn Hebrew daily and that many will visit Israel to learn more about its history and complexity," he said. she adds.

With the exception of English, Hebrew art is woven into its subjects according to a team teaching model. Since most teachers are from Israel, students learn to speak with Israeli accents. Hebrew is also the main language spoken during lunches and recess. Hebrew teachers supervise students to help reinforce the Hebrew rule only during these times.

The group of 32 graduates of the Hebrew School of Brooklyn, New York, and the Hatikvah International Academy of East Brunswick, New Jersey, who arrived in Israel had the opportunity to deepen their ties with the country where he studied. for years learned modern Hebrew. Since kindergarten, these students have come to know the country and its democratic values ​​and have created links between their lives in the United States and those of their peers in Israel.

One student, Zhara Adeyemi, whose parents are from Nigeria and Trinidad, said it was a unique experience in a lifetime. "I do not think I would have had the chance to do it when I grow up," Zhara said in polite Hebrew. "What is great about this school is learning Hebrew and Israel, but also the fact that I meet other students from around the world."

"My family is very Zionist and is extremely proud of my visit to Israel," said Victor Oleynik, also in Hebrew. "I am very happy to be here and to see the Hebrew wherever I go and to know that I can understand it."

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