Summary of Events Along the Gaza Strip Border


Operatives of Hamas (Fatah Facebook page, November 2, 2018).

Operatives of Hamas (Fatah Facebook page, November 2, 2018).

Palestinians demonstrate in Gaza City (Palinfo Twitter account, November 3, 2018).

Palestinians demonstrate in Gaza City (Palinfo Twitter account, November 3, 2018).

Palestinians burn copies of the Balfour Declaration and pictures of Lord Balfour in the "return =" "camp =" "in =" "eastern =" "gaza =" "city =" "twitter =" "account =" "november ="

Palestinians burn copies of the Balfour Declaration and pictures of Lord Balfour in the Gaza City "return camp" (Palinfo Twitter account, November 2, 2018).

Members of the Supreme National Authority of the Great Return. They called for peaceful walks (al-Watania, November 1, 2018).

Members of the Supreme National Authority of the Great Return. They called for peaceful walks (al-Watania, November 1, 2018).

Senior Hamas figure Khalil al-Haya at the "return =" "march =" "in =" "eastern =" "gaza =" "city =" "national =" "authority =" "of =" "the =" " great = "" facebook = "" page = "" november = "

Senior Hamas figure Khalil al-Haya at the "return march" in eastern Gaza City (Supreme National Authority of the Great Return March Facebook page, November 3, 2018).

The Egyptian Security Delegation Meets with Representatives of the Palestinian Organizations and the Supreme National Authority of the Return March in the Gaza Strip (QudsN Facebook page, November 1, 2018).

The Egyptian Security Delegation Meets with Representatives of the Palestinian Organizations and the Supreme National Authority of the Return March in the Gaza Strip (QudsN Facebook page, November 1, 2018).

Yahya al-Sinwar interviewed after the Hamas-PIJ meeting (al-Watania TV, November 1, 2018).

Yahya al-Sinwar interviewed after the Hamas-PIJ meeting (al-Watania TV, November 1, 2018).

The leadership of Hamas and the PIJ meet the Egyptian initiative (Palinfo Twitter account, November 1, 2018).

The leadership of Hamas and the PIJ meet the Egyptian initiative (Palinfo Twitter account, November 1, 2018).

  • On Friday, November 2, 2018, another "return march" was held along the Gaza Strip border. The market was relatively small. Most of the Palestinians did not approach the security fence. As a result, the level of friction with IDF forces was relatively low and the number of casualties was low (according to the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip, 32 demonstrators were evacuated to hospitals). In addition, no incendiary kites and balloons have been launched.
  • The substance of the situation in the field of violence in the United States of America An Egyptian delegation visited one of the riot focal points for a first-hand look at the Palestinians' implementation of the understandings. Members of the Supreme National Authority of the Return of the Return of the Egyptian Security Delegation and Call for Peace "return marches" (al-Watania, November 1, 2018). However, senior figures of Hamas and the other terrorist organizations made it clear that they would not be able to do so.

Apparently for the first time since August 2018, significant progress has been made in contacts for an Egyptian-mediated arrangement. It also appears a minimalist arrangement, which will be discussed in the Gaza Strip on the basis of cross-cutting and humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip. However, there are still obstacles from external factors (such as the Palestinian Authority), and from the Palestinian terrorist organizations (the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)) is liable to cause problems because of a desire to put its stamp on any agreement.

The "Return March"
  • The 32nd "return march" (since March 30, 2018) was held on November 2, 2018. Its slogan was "Our people will defeat the wretched decision" (ie, the Balfour declaration, whose 101st anniversary was marked on November 2, 2018 ). Participation in the market was limited compared with previous weeks. Ceremonies were held in the "return camps" where copies of the Balfour Declaration and pictures of Lord Balfour were burned. (Supreme National Authority of the Great Return March Facebook page, November 2, 2018).
Palestinians demonstrate in front of IDF forces in the central Gaza Strip during the "return march" (Palinfo Twitter account, November 2, 2018). "Width =" 317 "height =" 211 "srcset =" https: //www.terrorism 1541419183906-300x200.jpeg 300w "sizes =" (max-width: 317px) 100vw, 317px Palestinians demonstrate in Gaza City (Palinfo Twitter account, November 3, 2018). "width =" 266 "height =" 211 "srcset =" 600w, https: // www / app / uploads / 2018/11 / word-image-1541419184425-300x239.jpeg 300w "sizes =" (max-width: 266px) 100vw, 266px
Right: Palestinians demonstrate in Gaza City (Palinfo Twitter account, November 3, 2018). Left: Palestinians demonstrate in front of IDF forces in the central Gaza Strip during the "return march" (Palinfo Twitter account, November 2, 2018).
  • Before The Demonstration, Members of the Supreme National Authority of the Great Return March and Lifting the Siege held a press conference where they called on the Gazans to come en mbade to the marches on Friday and to hold them peacefully, without giving the Israeli snipers opportunity to shoot at them. The Authority also thanked the Egyptian Delegation for its role and the efforts it made for the sake of the Palestinian people (al-Watania, November 1, 2018).
  • Most of the demonstrators gathered at "return camps" and did not approach the security fence. During the events on Friday no incendiary kites and balloons. According to reportsHamas' restraint force kept away from the fence (Fatah Facebook page, November 2, 2018).
  • At a site east of Gaza City several demonstrators tried to remove an obstacle from the fence. The Palestinian media reported that several demonstrators had to be interviewed (Shabakat Quds Twitter account, November 2, 2018). They also reported that Israeli artillery forces were fired at a Gaza City police station (Shabakat Quds Twitter account, November 2, 2018).
  • The low level of violence led to a relatively small number of casualties. Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesperson for the Gaza Strip Ministry of Health, reported 32 Gazans were wounded and evacuated to hospitals (Ashraf al-Qidra's Twitter account, November 2, 2018).
  • The Egyptian security delegation, working to achieve an arrangement, visited, for the first time, the "return camp" east of the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip (Shabakat Quds, November 2, 2018). Apparently they wanted a first-hand look at the situation on the ground.

The Egyptian security delegation visits the "return camp" in eastern Jabalia (al-Watania, November 2, 2018). "Width =" 331 "height =" 152 "srcset =" it / app / uploads / 2018/11 / word-image-1541419188622.jpeg 924w, 300w, 768w "sizes =" (max-width: 331px) 100vw, 331px
The Egyptian security delegation visits the "return camp" in eastern Jabalia (al-Watania, November 2, 2018).

  • The Supreme National Authority called on the Gazans to participate in the "return march" activities that will be held on November 9, 2018, whose motto will be "The March Continues." Senior Hamas figures who participated in the events expressed their esteem for the efforts the Egyptian mediators made and their achievements, goal at the same time:
    • Khalil al-Haya, a member of Hamas' political officeGaza City, where he said the "return marches" would continue. He also feels a warning to Israel, saying "You will see in the winter what you did not see in the summer" (al-Aqsa TV, November 2, 2018).
    • Senior PIJ figure Khaled al-Batash said the "return marches" would continue and would be louder and more meaningful (al-Aqsa TV, November 2, 2018).
    • Senior Hamas figure Isma'il Radwan said it was the National Authority He called on the Arab-Islamic nation to pay attention to Israel's weaknesses. As "proof" he claimed that according to the media, many Israeli families from the Gaza Strip had had their homes because they felt unprotected (al-Aqsa TV, November 2, 2018).
  • Maher Muzhir, member of the political bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), said every avenue had to be explored to lower the number of losses and defend the blood of the Palestinian people. He claimed the National Authority would determine the degree of escalation at the steps, adding that the activities of the "night harbadment group" would not stop The launching of incendiary kites and balloons (Dunia al-Watan, November 2, 2018).
  • PIJ spokesman Da'ud Shehab said the new tactics could make it possible to keep march participants from being wounded. However, he emphasized that did not mean the marches would stop. He said that they were discussing the situation of the participants. He expressed his esteem for the Egyptian security delegation, which was working to achieve reconciliation and end the "aggression" against the Gaza Strip (, November 1, 2018).
Attempts to Reach an Arrangement through Egyptian Mediation
  • The lowered level of violence of the October 2 "return march" was apparently the result of a number of understandings achieved through Egyptian mediation. As an attempt to reach an agreement, an Egyptian delegation headed by Ahmed Abdel Khaliq, head of the Israeli and Palestinian directorate in Egyptian General Intelligence, cam to the Gaza Strip. The delegation held a series of meetings with representatives of Hamas, the other Palestinian organizations, and members of the Supreme National Authority of the Great Return March.

The Egyptian security delegation meets with representatives of the Palestinian organizations and the Supreme National Authority of the March in the Gaza Strip (QudsN Facebook page, November 1, 2018) "width =" 333 "height =" 250 "srcset =" https : // 960w, 11 / word-image-1541419190844-300x225.jpeg 300w, 768w "sizes =" ( max-width: 333px) 100vw, 333px
The Egyptian Security Delegation Meets with Representatives of the Palestinian Organizations and the Supreme National Authority of the Return March in the Gaza Strip (QudsN Facebook page, November 1, 2018).

  • The Hamas and PIJ leadership held a meeting in Isma'il Haniyeh's office to discuss the Egyptian initiative and the understandings for Israel. According to reports of a number of decisions made in the Gaza Strip during the "return to markets", all of them have been reached. HOWEVERThe participants were instructed to carry out the steps by "peaceful" means (Filastin al-Yawm, November 1, 2018). In an interview, Yahya al-Sinwar, head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip, said the "return marches" would continue, the most important of which was the "seat of the Gaza Strip" (al-Watania TV, November 1, 2018)
Yahya al-Sinwar interviewed after the joint Hamas-PIJ meeting (al-Watan TV, November 1, 2018) "width =" 300 "height =" 174 "srcset =" it / app / uploads / 2018/11 / word-image-1541419191411.png 779w, 300w, 768w "sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px
Left: The leadership of Hamas and the PIJ meet the Egyptian initiative (Palinfo Twitter account, November 1, 2018). Right: Yahya al-Sinwar interviewed after the Hamas-PIJ meeting (al-Watania TV, November 1, 2018).
  • Beyond the low level of violence linked to Egyptian mediation, There were no official reports of the talks. However, the Palestinian and Arab unofficially reported the results of the talks:
  • "Hamas sources " Report of the meeting held in the office of Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas' political bureau, was positive and dealt with a mechanism for transferring the funds from Qatar to the Gaza Strip. To overcome Israel's objection to the money's reach Hamas, the Egyptian delegation suggests that the UN oversees the mechanism that would be forged for disbursing funds to Hamas officials (al-Akhbar, October 31, 2018).
  • "Palestinian sources"Explained that in fact no lull agreement had been achieved, but an equation of "quiet in return for quiet" had been formulated, based on the ceasefire of 2014. The sources added that it had been agreed that the crossings would be fully opened, including the Rafah Crossing; and merchandise would be delivered to the Gaza Strip under Israeli inspection. The agreement includes the supply of fuel for the Gaza Strip power plant, a resolution of the crisis with the Palestinian Authority (PA) regarding the paying of a fuel and extending the fishing area to 12 miles within half a year to a year . The sources also noted that according to the agreement Qatar said it would be committed to pay salaries to Hamas officials for two or three months; and that Israel and the UN, and possibly also the PA, would oversee the transfers (al-Quds, November 2, 2018).
  • "Sources in the Gaza StripHowever, it was decided to stop the launching of incendiary balloons, the security fence and the activities of the "night harbadment group." However, it was decided the marches and the " return camps "would continue, without creating clashes with the IDF. In addition, they would stop the daily demonstrations in the Gaza Strip and continue the "return marches" in their new format until the end of 2018. In the meantime, Egypt would work to 14 miles, leave the Rafah And 30,000 jobs in the Gaza Strip. Egypt would also work with the international community and sponsor of the sponsorship (al-Akhbar, November 2, 2018).

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