Measles outbreak: we are in a state of emergency


The chairman of the Zionist camp faction, Knesset deputy speaker and Knesset member Yoel Hbadon, reacted to the two-week delay in the immunization bill. The decision was taken by the Committee of Ministers on legislation.

The Hbadon bill imposes sanctions on parents who refuse to vaccinate their children.

"It seems that, according to government services, the health of Israeli citizens can wait.The question is whether measles also knows that it has to wait two weeks for the Committee of Ministers." Vaccination law "The discussions have been going on for two months now, and the Ministry of Health is very much aware of this and it is not clear why it takes another two weeks to make a decision on such an urgent matter. "

"In two weeks we will reintroduce the bill and hope that this time the government will do the right thing and support its approval." The Ministry of Health knows we need legislation. to prevent an epidemic "

Yoel Hbadon

Miriam Alster / Flash 90

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