MEP Oren Hazan calls half-human disabled MP – Israel News


MK Oren Hazan calls MK half human handicapped

MK Liken Oren Hazan (left), MK Meran Ilan Gilon (right).


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The Knesset Ethics Committee is expected to receive an unprecedented sanction from Likud MP Oren Hazan, after calling Meretz MP Ilan Gilon "half-human" when he spoke from the podium of the Knesset. Plenary Assembly of the Knesset.

Hazan challenged Gilon, who then called him "Golem", who is an anthropomorphic being without brains. Hazan then repeatedly called Gilon half human.

Subsequently, Hazan published what he called an apology, claiming that his nickname Gilon "only referred to his bestial behavior and nothing else" like his disability. He said that he would apologize to those who misunderstood him differently.

To prove that his insult to Gilon did not target his disability, Hazan noted that he had previously used the same insult to describe valid deputies. He said that he sees all human beings as equals.

MPs hastened to file complaints against Hazan before the Knesset Ethics Committee, which has been removing him from the plenum for six months. MEPs are currently seeking a nine-month sanction, as well as a portion of his salary.

The Zionist Union said that it should be suspended indefinitely. Meretz said Hazan's behavior was indicative of the fall of his party, the Likud.

It was not the first time that Hazan insulted a disabled deputy. In November 2015, MP Karin Elharar (Yesh Atid), suffering from muscular dystrophy, had problems and asked the help of Meretz MP, Esawi Frej, who was sitting next to her.


Hazan began shouting to Frej that he had voted double-barreled, Elharar burst into tears and many lawmakers, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, approached and comforted him. Netanyahu later rebuked Hazan.

But that was not enough for Hazan. A few days later, during another vote, Hazan shouted at Elharar, "Do you need Esawi to help you?" The Knesset Ethics Committee suspended Hazan for a month because of his behavior.

Lahav Harkov contributed to this report.

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