Moovit partners with Microsoft to provide public transit data for Azure Maps


Mobility data startup Moovit today announced that it is integrating its people-driven transportation platform into Microsoft's Azure Maps.

Tel Aviv-based Moovit has built a mapping tool for public transportation. The company uses crowdsourced data from millions of users to map routes and metros around the world. It also lifts that data via Smart Transit Suite.

Azure Maps to the Moovit's transit data.

"Moovit's top quality data and world-leading multi-modality services fit perfectly into the Microsoft Azure Maps portfolio of offerings for app developers," said Moovit cofounder and CEO Nir Erez in a statement. "We're delighted to work with a world-clbad company like Microsoft and integrate our rich transit APIs into Azure Maps so we can build greater apps for people who ride everywhere."

Read more: Moovit wants to use its crowdsourced mapping data to transform public transportation

Moovit was founded in February 2012 by Erez, Roy Bick, and Yaron Evron. The first version of the basic transportation app was released in January 2013. Since then, the company has raised $ 133 million in venture capital, which includes a $ 50 million round led by Intel Capital earlier this year.

As mobility undergoes a rapid transformation, such data has become a hot commodity. Canadian startup Transit just this week $ 17 million in venture capital for its urban mobility platform.

For Moovit, a partnership with a giant technology technology. Over time, Microsoft will provide you with Microsoft Azure, and it will be able to provide you with information about Microsoft Cortana to deliver real-time transit information for a user's commute.

The company says it now has 300 million registered users in 2,600 cities and 85 countries, and it has attracted 450,000 editors who help monitor the data and contribute to the platform.

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