The protesters are sitting at Shiva street of the ICE office in San Francisco – J.


Dozens of members of the IfNotNow Jewish Social Justice Organization blocked Monday the street in front of San Francisco's Office of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a sitting shiva for the 11 murdered Jews in the Tree of Life synagogue from Pittsburgh last week and to protest against white nationalism the administration continues to arrest and detain undocumented immigrants.

A contingent of IfNotNow protesters spread across Washington Street, blocking traffic and unfurling a banner bearing the inscription "Jewish Resistance." A second group sat in the middle of Sansome Street, circling a piece of circular cloth decorated with a painted tree of life. The protesters chanted in English and Yiddish "Mir veln zey iberlebn" – "We will survive them" – a phrase of a Yiddish protest song that has become a rallying cry among young left-wing Jews since the beginning. 2016 presidential election.

The protesters made special mention of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the venerable Jewish organization cited by the Pittsburgh shooter in its anti-Jewish vitriol. In another speech, a protest leader spoke of the condemned St. Louis trip, a ship that transported Jewish refugees from Germany to the United States in 1939, but was turned back. The 900 pbadengers returned to Europe, where more than 200 were subsequently killed.

"We realize we are not safe," said a protester. "We are all in danger because of white supremacy and the targeting of the Jewish community. Because we support HIAS, we need to be stronger than ever with immigrants. "

At dusk, IfNotNow demonstrators danced and sang songs in Hebrew. Unlike similar protests in Boston and New York, where protesters were arrested, there was no arrest.

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