November 7, 2018: All aboard – Opinion


All aboard

With regard to "Peace train to Oman?" (5 November), MK Katz may have to put his affairs in order before spreading his vision further,

Once the trains in Israel are operational according to schedule, he may be able to turn to fantasy. Each of the last three times we took the "fast" train to Ben Gurion Airport, there were delays (up to 4 hours), work stoppages, and trains that were not going as far. 'to destination.

Really Mr. Katz, start by putting some order in your own house.

Kfar Bialik

South black

It was good to see the distress of Israeli residents in the South recognized in "The Campaign" Students launch the campaign "The Black South" in solidarity with the inhabitants "(November 5). Unfortunately, these high school students grew up in difficult conditions to be able to bomb shelters at school and in the middle of the night at home.

The border communities of southern Israel are on the front line of a war zone, attacked from Gaza, for more than 17 years. After surviving some 25,000 rockets and missiles, these residents now have to carry incendiary bombs and incendiary kites from Gaza designed to cause damage to civilians and the environment.

At the end of the article, it is written: "On October 26, the Islamic Jihad fired 34 rockets into Israel, 13 of which were intercepted by Iron Dome, without making any injuries."


No victims? Maybe no physical damage. However, after 17 years of shooting, with so many residents suffering and treated for PTSD, it is incorrect to say "do not cause injury".


The best defense

I write to support Adam Milstein ("The anti-Semites seek to destroy us", November 4). The deadly attack in Pittsburgh has nothing to do with US President Donald Trump or the current climate of opinion, but with enemies of the Jews who are still there, waiting for the moment to crawl under a rock and injure us .

People forget that Zionism was not only an ideology of the creation of a Jewish state, but also the construction of a new Jew, ready to defend himself, thus ending the pbadivity and to the dependence of past generations.

When I lived near Washington DC, Jewish demonstrations and marches were constantly harbaded by neo-Nazis based in Arlington, Virginia. We organized a group of young Jewish academics from the area and when we heard that one group was disturbing one of our marches, we prepared for them.

We looked at where they parked and when they left, we cut their tires. When they approached our march, we were prepared and we attacked them. The police were unable to intervene until the neo-Nazis actually caused us physical harm. we were not ready to wait for that, so we responded in self-defense. Our prepared defense was so unexpected that she was routed and then had to walk to her home. They never came back.

Our survival is in our hands.


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, is right when he denounces "racism, hate and fanaticism," but he is wrong to say that gun control had nothing to do with it. with the recent mbadacre at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. Once again, as we remember in Parkland, Florida; Las Vegas, Nevada; Orlando Florida; and Sandy Hook Elementary School in the state of Connecticut, the Pittsburgh badailant used an AR-15 semi-automatic badault rifle to kill 11 people and seriously injure six.

Automatic and semi-automatic rifles are only needed for people who practice target shooting, inhumane animal hunters and murderers. The elimination of automatic and semi-automatic weapons of mbad destruction will not violate the right of the second amendment to bear arms.

Zichron Yaakov

Verification of reality in Gaza

In "Hamas is not the solution" (Nov. 5), Jeff Barak writes, "According to a Lebanese newspaper this weekend, there is a 10-step progressive agreement on the table, including a prisoner swap towards the end of the month. process, to ensure long-term tranquility. "

Quiet in the long run? Barak should read what Israeli professor Raphael has written about the Islamic understanding of the term hundna (cease-fire) and or tahdiah (calm). A hudna can not last more than 10 years, a tahdiah up to 1 year.

As Israel explains: "Since a peace plan is out of the question, Hamas relies instead on the previous Hudaybiyya established by the prophet himself, when, constrained by his weakness at the gates of Mecca, Mahomet consented to a 10-year-old hudna. Unlike Western cease-fires, which are based on the consent of both parties, hudna is one-sided and the party who applies it can reverse it at any time.

So much for the long-term peace dream with Hamas. Hamas will break the hudna as it pleases.


Article from November 5 "Will the Gaza agreement include the return of IDF soldiers and civilians missing?" Contains an alarming phrase: "Infrastructure and defense projects" are the most important elements of the Gaza Strip. United Nations energy would go forward as part of the agreement. This indicates that we will again be sending fuel to people who have sworn to destroy us.

This involves appeasement and this has been tried time and time again in history.

One of my favorites in historical fiction is Herman Wouk's masterpiece, The Winds of War. Two of his characters were discussing the agreement a few weeks before the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. In that agreement, the United States agreed to sell fuel and scrap to Japan. Yes, they tried soothing then too. One character says to the other, "I really think Japanese battleships and aircraft carriers will come into the clouds, burning Texaco oil and firing pieces of old Buick at us. Let's summarize our ridiculous attempt at appeasement today.

Now we should know better.

Petah Tikva

Talk about the turkey

Seth Frantzman ("The United States faces a crisis in Syria as Turkey pounding the Kurds",, Nov. 4) evokes the increasingly problematic dilemma of the ally at the same time. NATO, Turkey, which goes against our objectives. This crisis will only worsen as Turkey continues its decentralization towards extremism.

One of the consequences of this extremism has been the racially motivated nationalism that has manifested itself through the violent repression of our Kurdish allies, pro-Western moderates whose help has been so crucial in the fight against the Islamic State. In addition, Kurds provide valuable stability to the areas they control; attacking them undermines our basic strategy in Syria.

Turkey's quiet efforts to help the Islamic State group in Iraq have been another consequence. According to Iraqi General Aref al-Zebari in a report published on October 25 in Breitbart, Turkey has allowed foreign agents to provide support to newly defeated Islamic State fighters in Mosul to help them regroup.

As difficult to accept as it may seem, Turkey can no longer be considered a reliable ally and should be expelled from NATO. We should cut off all military aid to Turkey, withdraw our bases and stop sharing our intelligence. Turkish President Recep Erdogan is determined to turn Turkey into a Sunni version of Iran. The future confrontations with such a state being inevitable, we could come to regret having helped to arm it.

Charleston, South Carolina

Hit a

In the "Academia for sale? Why public colleges are on strike "(Nov. 4), Amit Gal makes a pbadionate call for higher salaries and resources for college colleges. Gal rightly describes the profound achievements of colleges as a cultural, social and employment center that has contributed immensely to the reduction of deep social gaps.

But then Gal takes a bad turn. He wants college speakers to be treated as top academics. He states that university professors are like university professors, with one exception: their salaries and their working conditions.

Not enough! Universities have postgraduate faculties that grant M.Sc. and PhD degrees. Much of the research in universities is focused on training these thousands of future scientists and academics in postgraduate programs. These do not exist in colleges. Israel does not have the resources to convert colleges into research centers. It barely has enough resources to keep universities at the highest international standards. So, Gal "is barking the wrong tree."

The salaries of college professors should be determined by their other admirable and profound achievements. Their salaries and promotions should be judged on the basis of their teaching skills.

Emeritus Professor of Radiation Physics

Multiplying rapidly

The article "A desperate appeal by an Egyptian to lower the birth rate in Egypt" (November 2) reminds me of Egypt in the time of Moses. The sovereign asked, "What can we do for the Jews who are multiplying so quickly and their wives give birth, six at a time under the apple trees! Let's eliminate the Jews, drown the baby boys and give the Jewish labor a harder job! Pharaoh's way of arranging the economy was to tightly control the birth rate of the Jews.

The luxurious lifestyle of Pharaoh and his court has long since disappeared. There are no Jews to blame, but harsh measures must be taken. The current leader and his advisers need to do something about Egypt's birth rate and rising economic problems, but they can not impose the harsh punishments our ancestors suffered there.


Welcome enemies

Regarding "Michael Oren: Detaining a BDS activist is causing political damage to Israel" (October 10), I am surprised by Deputy Minister Michael Oren's reason for not preventing the BDS and other anti-corruption activists Israel to enter our country. He fears that this will cause us "diplomatic prejudice" around the world.

By applying the same standard, Israel would be defenseless against all the enemies encamped at our borders and those who live there. Every move that Israel makes in self-defense is condemned by the rest of the world, and the existential prejudice that all our enemies are potentially endangered is far worse than any diplomatic harm that could happen to us.

Protecting, pampering and welcoming our known enemies in the country is self-destructive and irreproachable.

Los Angeles

12,000 yesterday and today

This year's March of the Living with 12,000 participants had special significance. Look at all these people, because 12,000 is also the number of Jews killed every day at the height of 1944; live measurement of the savagery of the Holocaust.

Survivor of the Holocaust

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