The flood destroyed part of highway 90 near the Dead sea


Наводнение разрушило часть шоссе 90 вблизи Мертвого моря

A major highway near the Dead sea was closed to traffic in either direction on Friday evening after part of the road collapsed due to heavy flooding.

On Saturday, November 10, reports The Times of Israel.

It is noted that a particularly strong rains in the South of the country.

Photos and videos posted on social networks showed that highway 90 near the river Kidron split in half after a large part of the sidewalk collapsed a few meters in the ground.

At the moment on an emergency site repairs are carried out.

In a statement, the police warned that other parts of highway 90 may be at risk of collapse due to flash floods, urging drivers to exercise extra caution when driving in the area.

In addition, it is reported that four tourists lost in the rocky gorge of Nahal Og to the East of Jerusalem.

According to the newspaper, the travelers found themselves in a cave due to severe flooding.

One of them fell and was slightly injured. His friends quickly responded and summoned help. In the result, the victim was evacuated by helicopter to the hospital.

The rest of the tourists were also taken from the reserve.

It is expected that the rain will continue throughout the weekend in southern and Eastern Israel.

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