Activists put up protest statue after police recommend charging PM’s lawyer in submarine affair – Israel News


Activists from the opposition party Zionist Union on Saturday erected a nine-meter-long submarine sculpture in Tel Aviv to protest the government’s alleged link to the so-called submarine affair.

Messages on the statue read “Netanyahu – a failed manager or corrupt leader?” and “With Bibi – the state is sinking,” referring to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s nickname. 

“The decline of Netanyahu’s power is closer than ever, and we came here early in the morning to wake up Israeli citizens to see the size and depth of the corruption in the submarine affair,” Alon Visser, the director of Zionist Union’s field headquarters, said.

>> Israel’s submarine affair: Police indictment recommendations drown in a sea of questions | Analysis ■  Netanyahu is making sure that if he sinks, his party goes down with him | Analysis

The submarine statue reads

Meged Gozani

On Thursday, the police announced that it recommends indicting six people for alleged involvement in the corruption case, also known as “Case 3000,” surrounding a $2-billion deal to purchase submarines and boats from the German shipbuilder ThyssenKrupp.

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The police recommended charging Netanyahu’s lawyer and confidant David Shimron; his former bureau chief David Sharan; former navy chief, Eliezer Marom, and two other ex-navy generals on similar bribery counts.

The police said that there was insufficient evidence to charge Netanyahu’s other attorney, Isaac Molho.

Michael Ganor, a former representative of ThyssenKrupp in Israel, has turned state’s evidence in the case. Ganor served in the navy with Brig. Gen. (res.) Avriel Bar-Yosef, who police also recommended charging.

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