Syrian Refugees in Lebanon eight years on: What works and what matters for the future – Lebanon



Lebanon remains the country which hosts the largest number of refugees relative to its national population. In a country of just one million people, one in five people is a Syrian refugee, one in four people. The perception of Syrian refugees by the Lebanese population is influenced by the country's history. Many Palestinians fled to Lebanon during the 1948 war and settled in the country.

Today, many Lebanese worry that the Syrian refugees might follow suit and never leave.
For a variety of reasons, the Syrian refugees in Lebanon are in favor of the majority of Syrian refugees in the United States, which is return, integration or resettlement. In the interim period, it is in the interest of the United States to reduce tensions and improve the viability of both Lebanese and refugee communities.

Through a field research and study conducted in May and June of 2018, CARE International explored specific vulnerabilities of Syrian refugees in Lebanon and their ways of improving their lives in the short and medium term. This publication includes quotes from various sources in Tripoli, Akkar and Beirut. We focus on three main questions: How are the relations between refugees and Lebanese? How are refugees faring in the job market? Which concrete initiatives have already demonstrated positive impact in terms of increasing their financial and / or social well-being? The combination of these factors is key to understanding refugees' livelihoods and coping strategies, and can be done by local and international actors to increase social stability in Lebanon.

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