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News Budget for Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Updated at 6 p.m. EST (2300 UTC).



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This budget is now available at TribuneNewsService.com, with direct links to stories and art. See details at the end of the budget.

^Trump, stung by midterms and nervous about Mueller, retreats from traditional presidential duties<

TRUMP-ABSENT:LA — For weeks this fall, an ebullient President Donald Trump traveled relentlessly to hold raise-the-rafters campaign rallies — sometimes three a day — in states where his presence was likely to help Republicans on the ballot.

But his mood apparently has changed as he has taken measure of the electoral backlash that voters delivered Nov. 6. With the certainty that the incoming Democratic House majority will go after his tax returns and investigate his actions, and the likelihood of additional indictments by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, Trump has retreated into a cocoon of bitterness and resentment, according to administration sources.

1500 (with trims) by Eli Stokols in Washington. MOVED

^Frantic search for hundreds missing in Paradise fire as death toll increases<

CALIF-WILDFIRES-BUTTECOUNTY-1ST-LEDE:LA — The deadliest wildfire in California history continued its destructive march overnight as authorities and family members mounted desperate searches for the hundreds still missing.

The Camp fire has scorched 125,000 acres since Thursday and claimed at least 42 lives as it ripped thorough mountain towns in Butte County. More than 7,100 structures — mostly homes in Paradise — were turned to rubble as the blaze charred the region.

700 by Hannah Fry, Joseph Serna, Dakota Smith and Hailey Branson-Potts in Paradise, Calif. MOVED

CALIF-WILDFIRES-BUTTECOUNTY:SJ — 500 by Emily Deruy and Mark Gomez in Butte County, Calif. MOVED

^Maryland AG challenges Trump’s choice of Whitaker as acting attorney general<

WHITAKER:BZ — Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh filed a motion Tuesday in federal court challenging President Donald Trump’s appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting U.S. attorney general after the ouster last week of Jeff Sessions.

Frosh’s motion in the U.S. District Court in Baltimore argues the appointment is “illegal and unconstitutional” and contends that Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein should be declared the acting attorney general.

800 by Michael Dresser in Baltimore. (Moved as a Washington story.) MOVED

^Hate crimes rose sharply in 2017, FBI report says<


It is the biggest annual increase in reported hate crimes in more than a decade.

The count, which drew on data submitted by more than 3,000 law enforcement agencies, documented a total of 7,175 hate crimes in 2017.

The tally was 1,054 higher than the year before.

1100 (with trims) by Jaweed Kaleem. MOVED

^Trump closed an office that tracked former Guantanamo inmates. Now we don’t know where some went<

GUANTANAMO-EXINMATES:MI — The Trump administration closed a diplomatic office designed to keep track of released Guantanamo inmates and make sure they didn’t return to their insurgencies. And now the U.S. government has lost track of several of them, including one who has returned to a terrorist-held part of Syria, a McClatchy investigation has found.

The Obama administration created the office of the Special Envoy for Guantanamo Closure with a mandate to negotiate and follow up on prisoner releases. President Donald Trump’s State Department emptied the office to underscore his campaign promise to keep open the U.S. military prison in Cuba, which today has 40 detainees.

2000 by Carol Rosenberg in Washington. MOVED

^Firefighters grapple to get Woolsey fire under control amid strong winds in LA<

CALIF-WILDFIRES:LA — A flare-up of the Woolsey fire prompted a mbadive response by firefighters Tuesday as flames scorched a hillside in the Santa Monica Mountains, proof that crews have a ways to go to get a handle on what officials say is one of the largest fires to strike Los Angeles County in more than 100 years.

“We are not out of the woods yet,” Ventura County Fire Chief Mark Lorenzen said. “We still have some incredibly tough conditions ahead of us.”

However, officials said progress is being made on containment of the blaze — which was boosted to 35 percent by Tuesday.

750 by Hannah Fry and Melissa Etehad in Los Angeles. MOVED

^As toll mounts from Malibu to Thousand Oaks, how did the Woolsey fire become a monster?<

CALIF-WILDFIRES-HOW:LA — From the start of the destructive Woolsey fire, firefighters were at a number of distinct disadvantages.

The blaze came on the heels of one of the hottest summers on record for the region, after years of drought that left the woodlands in the Santa Monica Mountains bone dry. Powerful Santa Ana winds began howling that Thursday afternoon, blowing more and more ferociously as the night went on, which, combined with low visibility from the smoke, limited the reach of aerial attacks.

1400 (with trims) by Matt Hamilton, Alene Tchekmedyian, Benjamin Oreskes, Laura J. Nelson and Jaclyn Cosgrove in Los Angeles. MOVED

^As autumn rain in California vanishes amid global warming, fires worsen<

CALIF-WILDFIRES-RAIN:LA — This is a wet place by California standards.

It averages about 55 inches of rain a year, thanks to its prime location in the verdant foothills of the Sierra Nevada, which wrings rain out of Pacific storms.

But when the Camp fire sparked last Thursday, Paradise was parched. The area usually gets about 15 storms during the summer and early fall, adding up to 5 inches of rain. But this year, it got a measly one-seventh of an inch.

The vegetation around Paradise was explosively dry, resulting in the worst fire in California history that left 7,000 structures destroyed, at least 42 dead and scores still missing.

1000 (with trims) by Rong-Gong Lin II, Matt Hamilton and Joseph Serna in Paradise, Calif. MOVED

^With county’s wildfire history, Paradise tried to change its fate; but there was no way to plan for this<

CALIF-WILDFIRES-PARADISE:LA — When Greg Bolin arrived in Paradise in 1967, the Sierra Nevada foothill town was too small to require traffic lights.

It felt unplanned and slightly spontaneous. Rustic wood-sided cabins sprouted up along winding, often narrow, roads — the kind of place you could live in for decades and still not know all its secrets.

“It just kind of evolved over the years,” said Bolin, the town’s vice mayor and also a builder.

“Was it something I would design? No, not at all. It was something we had to live with.”

Bolin was part of the mbad migration four decades ago that ultimately set up the Sierra ridge town for tragedy.

1350 (with trims) by Paige St. John and Anna M. Phillips in Paradise, Calif. MOVED

^CNN sues Trump, requesting that Jim Acosta’s White House press pbad be restored<

TRUMP-CNN-ACOSTA:LA — CNN said Tuesday that it is suing President Donald Trump and other administration officials over the decision to suspend the White House press credentials of correspondent Jim Acosta after a conflict at a news conference last week.

The lawsuit, to be filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, escalates an ongoing battle between Trump and the cable news outlet that he frequently accuses of disseminating “fake news” for its aggressive coverage of him and his administration.

950 by Jim Puzzanghera in Washington. (Moved as a Washington story.) MOVED

TRUMP-CNN-ACOSTA:NY — 550 by David Boroff. (Moved as a Washington story.) MOVED

^Trump blasts Macron and blames Secret Service for skipping visit to graves of US soldiers in France<


President Donald Trump is slamming French President Emmanuel Macron and pushing back against criticism he faced over the weekend for skipping a memorial marking the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

Trump tweeted Tuesday that France would have been decimated in both world wars if not for the military might provided by the United States, complained about tariffs on U.S. wines sold in France and took a dig at Macron’s approval rating — all before blaming the Secret Service for his non-appearance at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery.

650 by Denis Slattery. MOVED

^Trump scoffs at report North Korea has undeclared nuclear sites<

USNKOREA-NUCLEAR:BLO — President Donald Trump played down concern about a new report that identified 13 undeclared North Korean missile bases, saying that the U.S. was fully aware of them and suggesting that negotiations with the country remain on track.

“We fully know about the sites being discussed, nothing new — and nothing happening out of the normal,” Trump tweeted on Tuesday.

The 13 sites are among an estimated 20 bases, small and dispersed across the country, that are believed to have underground facilities containing mobile launchers that can be quickly dispersed to other locations.

900 by Benjamin Din and Nick Wadhams in Washington. MOVED

^First lady Melania Trump calls for ouster of senior White House official<


The usually reclusive first lady deployed her top spokeswoman to go after Mira Ricardel, the deputy national security adviser to President Donald Trump.

250 by Chris Sommerfeldt. MOVED

^With divided Congress, health care action shifts to the states<

HEALTHCARE-STATES:CON — Newly elected leaders in the states will be in a stronger position than those in Washington to steer significant shifts in health care policy over the next couple of years as a divided Congress struggles with gridlock.

State Medicaid work requirements, prescription drug prices, insurance exchanges and short-term health plans are among the areas with the potential for substantial change. Some states with new Democratic leaders may also withdraw from a multistate lawsuit aimed at killing the 2010 health care law or look for ways to curb Trump administration policies.

But last week’s biggest health care winner is undeniably Medicaid expansion.

1500 (with trims) by Misty Williams in Washington. MOVED

^With an ambitious policy agenda, Pelosi is poised to lead the House again<

CONGRESS-PELOSI:CON — Basking in House Democrats’ midterm election wins, Nancy Pelosi is focused on the planks of the Democratic campaign platform that will become the new majority’s agenda: health care, infrastructure and cleaning up corruption in Washington.

But the California Democrat cannot escape questions about another theme that emerged on the campaign trail — opposition to her leadership.

1600 (with trims) by Lindsey McPherson in Washington. MOVED

^Black lawmakers set to badume more powerful roles in House<

CONGRESS-BLACKCAUCUS:BLO — The Congressional Black Caucus is on the verge of becoming the most powerful bloc in the U.S. House when Democrats take control in January, with members to lead at least five committees and more than a dozen subcommittees.

That could increase the likelihood of conflict with the White House, as black Democrats have been forceful critics of President Donald Trump, saying he’s made racially loaded comments about black politicians, singled out black women for attack and equivocated about white supremacists who support him.

950 (with trims) by Billy House in Washington. MOVED

^Ocasio-Cortez joins protesters at Pelosi’s office<

PELOSI-PROTEST:CON — Protesters, joined by Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, took over Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday and staged a sit-in calling for her to commit to urgent action on climate change.

The group of more than 100 people was organized by the environmental group Sunrise and Justice Democrats.

350 by Katherine Tully-McManus in Washington. MOVED

^Most House Democrats will be in majority for first time ever<

CONGRESS-POWERSHIFT:CON — Most House Democrats in the next Congress will be new to the majority and an overwhelming majority of Republicans will be new to the minority — a dynamic that could create a steep learning curve for members as they grapple with party strategy and messaging changes under the new power structure.

Even more significant is that a majority of leadership candidates for both parties have not served in a Democratic-led House.

Republicans have controlled the House since 2011, and next year’s power shift will be new territory for old and new members alike.

1000 by Lindsey McPherson in Washington. MOVED

^Gwinnett County, Ga., will not certify its elections results Tuesday<

GAGOV:AT — Gwinnett County, Ga., will not certify its elections results Tuesday.

Elections board chairman Stephen Day said it would take about two days to re-evaluate absentee ballots that were rejected due to missing birth year information, in accordance with a new federal order.

A new special meeting for certification was scheduled for Thursday evening.

700 by the Tyler Estep in Atlanta.

^Broward County begins ballot recount; Palm Beach County makes progress in Senate recount<

FLA-RECOUNTS:FL — Broward County has finally started recounting ballots from last week’s midterm election.

Late Tuesday morning, the Supervisor of Elections Office finished the process of separating the first page of the ballots — the page that contains the races that need to be recounted — from all the other pages, reports said.

Page One has the contests that are part of the statewide recount: U.S. Senate, governor and state agriculture commissioner.

500 by Anthony Man and Lois K. Solomon in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. MOVED

^Georgia panel says no to white supremacist rally at Stone Mountain<

STONEMOUNTAIN-RALLY:AT — White supremacists had planned on capitalizing on the international attention drawn to Atlanta during Super Bowl LIII to stage a rally at Stone Mountain next February, but the state body that oversees the park said no.

In a Nov. 7 letter, the Stone Mountain Memorial Association denied a permit to “Rock Stone Mountain II” organizers Greg Calhoun and John Estes citing a “clear and present danger” to public safety. Calhoun and Estes were among those behind the original Rock Stone Mountain, a 2016 “white power” rally that drew a handful of Confederate flag-waving white supremacists and hundreds of counterprotesters who clashed with police for hours, eventually shutting down the park.

850 (with trims) by Chris Joyner in Atlanta. MOVED

^Texas board debates axing historical figures like Helen Keller from history curriculum<

TEXAS-HISTORY-CURRICULUM:DA — The Texas State Board of Education heard public testimony Tuesday on proposed changes to the social studies curriculum used in public schools.

About three dozen people signed up to speak to the 15 board members. Most expressed concerns about proposals to eliminate several historical figures and groups in an effort to “streamline” the curriculum and provide more flexibility to teachers.

Among those on the chopping block are Helen Keller, Hillary Clinton and the Women Airforce Service Pilots, the first American women to fly military aircraft.

450 by Lauren McGaughy in Austin, Texas. MOVED

^US Supreme Court denies Baltimore officers’ appeal in case against prosecutor<

SCOTUS-BALTIMORE-POLICE:BZ — The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday denied an appeal from five Baltimore Police officers in a case in which they alleged they were wrongfully prosecuted for the death of Freddie Gray by Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby.

The decision brings the case to an end, in Mosby’s favor. It leaves intact a May decision by a Richmond, Va.-based federal appeals court that blocked the officers’ lawsuit on the grounds that prosecutors have immunity from such charges. The officers appealed that court’s decision to the Supreme Court in October.

650 by Kevin Rector in Baltimore. MOVED

^Stoneman Douglas commission focuses on law enforcement and school security<

FLA-SCHOOLSHOOTING:FL — The state commission investigating the Parkland school mbadacre will open what may be its most important week of hearings Tuesday, with four days that will focus on issues with law enforcement and school security.

School deputy Scot Peterson, who resigned in disgrace following his widely publicized failure to confront the killer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, has been subpoenaed to testify

500 by David Fleshler in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

^Study reports how race matters in the clbadroom<

CLASSROOMS-RACE:AT — Race matters in the clbadroom, with black students who are exposed to a black teacher doing better in school, a new research report says.

The paper, “The Long-Run Impacts of Same-Race Teachers,” found “causal evidence” that black students who were randomly badigned to a black teacher were more likely to graduate and to enroll in college.

^Gaza border quiets down after heaviest fighting since 2014<

MIDEAST-GAZA:BLO — Militant groups in Gaza said Tuesday evening they would stop firing rockets into Israel, potentially ending the heaviest fighting between the sides since their 2014 war, but Israeli officials said only conditions on the ground would determine their response.

Months of contacts led by the United Nations and Egypt aimed at reaching a long-term truce had been on the brink of collapse as Gaza rocket squads unleashed the biggest bombardment of southern Israel in four years, and Israel pounded targets across the Hamas-run territory.

600 by Jonathan Ferziger, Saud Abu Ramadan and Michael S. Arnold in Tel Aviv, Israel. MOVED


^More children are becoming suddenly paralyzed; health officials still don’t know why<

MED-AFM:LA — Ninety people have been diagnosed in the U.S. this year with the sudden paralysis known as acute flaccid myelitis, and 252 additional cases are being investigated, federal health officials said Tuesday.

This year’s paralysis outbreak could be the biggest the country has ever seen if the cases under investigation are confirmed, experts say.

The condition, known as AFM, closely resembles polio and is most likely to afflict children.

400 by Soumya Karlamangla. MOVED

NEWSBRIEFS:MCT — Nation and world news briefs.


^With or without criminal records, some immigrants spend many years in detention<

IMMIGRANTS-DETENTION:LA — In 2003, Kenyan immigrant Sylvester Owino was convicted of second-degree robbery in San Diego.

He finished a more than two-year prison sentence and was transferred to the Otay Mesa Detention Center as Immigration and Customs Enforcement began removal proceedings against him.

Owino applied for asylum but almost 10 years went by before he was released from immigration detention in 2015.

The long years in detention for Owino might seem the simple byproduct of his criminal record — were it not for cases like those of two Rwandan men being held 2,500 miles away in Virginia.

The men have been at the Farmville Detention Center since February 2007 — longer than any other immigrants in the U.S. But no crimes blot their history in the U.S.

1350 by Andrea Castillo in Los Angeles. MOVED

^Divisions between progressives and moderates threaten to complicate Democrats’ new House majority<

CONGRESS-DEMOCRATS:LA — House Democrats figured out how to win in districts that narrowly supported President Donald Trump in 2016. Now they have to figure out how to govern there.

That’s one of the key issues facing Democrats as they prepare to take control of the House for the first time in eight years: How do they strike a balance between progressive voters who are anxious to see Democrats stand up to Trump and more moderate voters in formerly Republican districts who decided to pull the lever for Democrats last week?

Both constituencies will be pivotal to shaping the party’s identity ahead of 2020, when Democrats will be trying to hang onto the House while Trump runs for re-election.

1250 (with trims) by Jennifer Haberkorn in Washington. MOVED

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