I think in the directors' remuneration report they actually mention – I have to refresh my memory – but they're talking about the generic decisions they've made as to how they manage to determine the [bonus] pool and ranking for people.
"I think they've even talked about it – and they'll talk about it later – applied a downward equity adjustment that was previously allocated to senior executives.
"So they speak in general terms but not specifically.
"I agree that by reading the annual report, it would be difficult, if not impossible, for anyone to determine why a leader received what he did, whether it was below, above or below. above the target.. There is no subjective description of this for them.
"As far as I'm concerned, it's a little different, in the sense that, even though it does not appear in the official report, there is a deliberate and deliberate period at an AGM where my own compensation or a portion of it should be approved and where there is usually discussion about – of my performance, if you will – about these factors at that time.
"But the others, you're right."
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