A prototype air taxi unveiled at the drone show in Amsterdam


This is not yet ready for the market, but here may be a glimpse into the future.

A prototype drone and car was presented at the convention of the drone week of Amsterdam. This aircraft is composed of three separate modules, a wheeled chbadis, a two-pbadenger pbadenger capsule and a four-rotor drone.

Co-created by Airbus, Audi and Ital Design, the "Pop.Up Next" is one of the leading players in the air taxi industry.

Joerg Peter Mueller, Urban Ari Mobility Airbus, said: "So, at the very beginning, the systems will probably be a single vehicle flying from A to B. They will probably not be modular at the very beginning, but as technology evolves, as we know, more about what the customer expects, what it values, how it wants to be transported, we'll see what kind of modularity we can apply to the system and we'll finally come to something like this. "

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