Sharing the benefits of digitized DNA


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Today, scientists can screen quadrillions of genetic sequences in open access databases, search (for free) for new methods of crop engineering, drug development, or even drug creation. # 39; synthesis organisms. But a controversial proposal that aims to share the benefits of digitized DNA could affect the ability of scientists to use these data, according to an article in News in chemistry and engineering (C & EN).

By the end of November, representatives of 110 countries will meet in Egypt to determine whether genetic data should be submitted to the Nagoya Protocol. This international agreement, ratified in 2010, aimed to combat biopiracy by obliging users of genetic resources to obtain the consent of the country of origin and to share the benefits. However, until now, the Nagoya protocol applied only to biological material, such as leaves or plant roots, and not to digitized DNA sequences, writes the Principal Correspondent, Cheryl Hogue. If the proposed amendments to the covenant are approved, scientists may have to pay fees to donor countries for commercial products developed from the genetic sequences.

The application of the Nagoya Protocol to genetic resources is controversial. Advocates, many in developing countries, argue that the change will provide financial incentives for biodiversity conservation. On the other hand, many industry and academic groups claim that preventing access to information on genetic sequences would discourage innovation, hinder R & D and even endanger health. increasing the costs and time to market of therapeutic drugs and vaccines. Some hope for a compromise that will provide financial benefits to donor countries for biodiversity conservation, while minimizing the costs to users of genetic data.

Explore further:
Public Health officials warn of danger if genetic sequence data is included in the Nagoya Protocol

More information:
"The debate between countries plans to combine digitized DNA data with biological material",…a-digitized / 96 / i46

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