Elon Musk could not convince Nintendo to add Mario Kart to Tesla's electric car lineup


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe IMG

The US automotive company Tesla, Inc. (formerly Tesla Motors) aims to make electric cars more viable and affordable. Elon Musk, the co-founder, CEO and technology entrepreneur behind him – who is also responsible for the SpaceX program – is known for his innovative ideas.

According to IGN, Musk attempted to have Nintendo collaborate with Tesla and publish an embedded version of Mario Kart. This was discovered during a brief Twitter Exchange when Musk was asked about the possibility of making some video games playable in the Tesla car range while the cars are recharging. When a user asked about the Mario Kart series, Musk said the manufacturer had contacted Nintendo, but the Japanese company would not license them. Apparently, however, Musk is open to the idea that Valve's Steam digital service may become an option.

Unfortunately, Musk did not explain why Nintendo had exactly refused to Tesla. We will guess and say that Nintendo has decided to stay loyal to the German automaker Mercedes after the release of the special DLC in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe there are a number of years.

The car video game setups are not really new. In fact, Musk had previously revealed clbadic Atari titles such as Missile command and Centipede would be playable in Tesla cars and this became a reality in October. Thanks to Nintendo's past and present systems, no one should question what Mario Kart would be like in a car, as has been possible for many years. For the record, it's cramped and if the car is moving, the experience can be quite disgusting for some people. We will probably have an even better idea of ​​what this looks like when Mario Kart Tour arrives on mobile in 2019.

What do you think of the idea of ​​Elon to add Mario Kart to Tesla cars? Do you think that would have been a good advertisement for Nintendo? Or do you think that made the right decision? Tell us below.

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