Tips to avoid neck strain when using the computer


When we work on the computer, we spend so much time in the autopilot that we do not realize it when we find ourselves in this familiar position: leaning forward without support, head down and eyes close to the monitor.

In a new study published in the journal Biofeedback, experts from San Francisco State University revealed how badly this posture had. They discovered that by rubbing one's neck one could actually limit the ability to turn one's head.

The researchers also noted other possible consequences such as muscle tension, fatigue, headaches, poor concentration and risk of long-term injury to the vertebrae, ie the bones that form your spine. spinal.

"When your posture is high and straight, the muscles in your back can easily support the weight of your head and neck, as much as 12 pounds," said Erik Peper, Holistic Health Professor.

"But when your head advances forward at a 45-degree angle, your neck acts as a fulcrum, like a long lever lifting a heavy object.Now, the muscular weight of your head and your neck equals about 45 kilos surprising people have stiff necks badociated with shoulder and back pain

If you often complain of a sore neck, it is certainly a sign to examine your posture. While this obviously applies to people who spend most of the day using a computer as part of their job, this problem can occur when you set up any type of device. the wrong way.

For example, a 2018 study looked at the "neck of the iPad" and its causes. It turns out that this stiff neck has less to do with the duration of use and more with bad posture. Even bad was an important factor because women were more likely to feel pain – this was due to lower muscle strength and the tendency to adopt more extreme postures.

To maintain muscle tension at a distance, make sure your shoulders are relaxed and not curved. Your head should be able to face straight rather than be inclined – this means that you will need to adjust the platform on which the computer is placed or adjust the height of your chair. And finally, your wrists and forearms must be parallel to the ground.

To easily get into the habit, Peper recommends mimicking the bad scrunchy posture so that your mind starts to badociate it with discomfort. "You can exaggerate the position and feel the symptoms, and then when you're doing it, you can become aware of it and stop," he said.

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