A beautiful, additional 1700-year-old mosaic was discovered for a mosaic center »J-Wire



Home / News / An additional mosaic of 1700 years is discovered on the site of a mosaic center

July 29, 2018 by J-Wire Newsdesk

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Archaeological excavations conducted during the past month by the Authority of Israel Antiquities in the city Lod, in preparation for the construction of one The center that will exhibit mosaics previously exhibited here several years ago, revealed an additional colored mosaic dating from the Roman period.


The mosaic was carefully removed for preservation to build Shelby White and Leon Levy Lod. Mosaic Center Continues

The Shelby White and Leon Levy Lod Mosaic Center Project is a joint initiative of Shelby White and the Leon Levy Foundation, Lod Municipality, Lod Economic Development Corporation and Israel Antiquities. Authority. Once completed, the Center will display the mosaics, enclosed in a modern building that relates to and respects the plan of the ancient villa in which they were originally laid. In 1996, road workers accidentally discovered a mosaic floor at the entrance to Lod, adjacent to Ginnaton Junction. In subsequent excavations, led by Miriam Avissar, an IAA archaeologist, the remains of a luxurious villa with exceptionally well-preserved unique mosaic floors dating back to the fourth century were found.

Amir Gorzalczany, the director of the current excavation said: " The excavations of the site revealed a villa that included a large triclinium reception hall paved with luxury mosaic, and a courtyard with columns, also with mosaics and a water system.We find evidence of the Mediterranean luxury that characterizes the Roman Empire, including attributes such as murals "

The Extraordinary mosaics discovered in Villa Lod represent realistic and imaginary animals, intricate geometric designs and marine scenes, incorporating a multitude of fish and two ships. The variety of colors, the extraordinary quality and the exceptional state of conservation have attracted local and global interest. The central panel of the mosaic has served as the world ambbadador for Israel, as the mosaic has been on display in special exhibitions in museums many of which had never previously borrowed artifacts from Israel. These museums included the Metropolitan Museum in New York, the Louvre in Paris, the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the Frost Museum in Miami, Florida, the Altes Museum in Berlin, the Cini Foundation in Venice, the Field Museum in Chicago and the Art Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of visitors have seen the mosaics around the world, and the media and scientific coverage are extensive.

Shelby White, the generous donor of the Shelby White Mosaic Archeology Center and Leon Levy Lod said: "The Lod Museum will be a dream come true, which began when my husband Leon Levy and I saw the beautiful mosaic for the first time more than twenty years ago, this initiative would not have materialized without the support of the Lod community and the Authority of the Antiques of Israel. "

" It is fascinating to learn how many centuries ago the centrality and potential of the surroundings of Lod were appreciated by the ancient inhabitants.The creation of the center presenting aspects of the rich Lod's story will provide an awesome gateway to the city "added Lod Mayor Yair Revivo

Director of the Israel Antiquities Authority, Israel Hbadon a stated: "After twenty years of perseverance IAA, we managed to establish a dignified and committed cooperation with the Municipality of Lod. I am pleased that citizens of Israel and around the world can appreciate the cultural heritage that has patiently awaited global recognition and will now receive the honor it deserves. "The mosaic that was discovered recently will also be exhibited in the new center.

"The archaeological excavations we conducted this month were relatively modest, but they greatly contributed to our understanding of the villa's building," says Gorzalczany of the IAA. "Fortunately, the main central panel of the mosaic has been preserved. Figures, much like figures in earlier mosaics, include fish and winged creatures. A fairly similar mosaic has been found in the past in Jerusalem, on the slopes of Mount Zion. The mosaics of Lod, however, do not represent any human figure present in the mosaic of Mount Zion. It is very likely that the same artist produced both mosaics, or that two artists worked from a similar design. This type of mosaic is best known in the western part of the Roman Empire. It should also be noted, continues Gorzalczany, the rectangular marks that may indicate the layout of the couches on which the participants of the banquet or party have declined. These brands are common in similar villas and are an indication of the use of space in the reception rooms. "

The professional treatment of the mosaic during its exhibition and its removal from the site for preservation, are carried out by the Department of Conservation of the IAA, under the supervision of the Chief of the Artistic Conservation Branch Jacques Neguer and Head of the Mosaic Department Galeb Abu-Diab

Gorzalczany considers that the newly discovered mosaic has opened an additional reception room next to the sumptuous reception hall set day in 1996. "This is the case, so the villa can be much larger than we badumed.The discovery, near the first room, raises new questions: What was the size of the building? Did the villa have several reception rooms? Where were the private rooms? Was there a second story? These problems could be solved in future searches. ra to visitors to appreciate the mosaic from different angles and with the help of various visualization tools. Additional artefacts from the excavations and the rich history of Lod will also be exhibited

The Lod Visitors Center is part of a broader plan to develop other parts of the historic city of Lod as a tourist route. The mosaic is located northeast of Lod, adjacent to the junction of Ginnaton. It is accessible from Ben Gurion International Airport and from the country's two main arteries, Tel Aviv to Jerusalem Road No.1 and North-South Road No.6. Visitor Center to open within two days . years.

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