A delegation of the Advisory Council attends the session of the Arab Parliament


A delegation of the Advisory Council (Shura) will participate in the second legislative session of the Arab Parliament scheduled for Cairo on Monday.

The three-day meeting will discuss the evolution of the current Arab situation and the continuing efforts of the Arab Parliament to support strategic and crucial Arab issues, foremost among which is the Palestinian question, the Arab world, the Arab world. developments in Yemen and the removal of Sudan's name from the list of States supporting terrorism.
debate on the latest political developments in the Arab world, the achievement of food security, attracting Arab capital to the Arab world, the report on the human rights situation in the Arab world in 2017, the protection of human rights refugees and Arabs displaced women and children and the preservation of Arab monuments.
The specific committees of the Arab Parliament will hold their meetings, during which the Committee will consider the Arab Parliament's plan of action after the United States has transferred its embbady to Jerusalem and the means to reinforce the resources of the Al Aqsa and Jerusalem funds.
Committee for the Drafting of an Arab Bill on Higher Education and Scientific Research, Committee of Least Developed Arab Countries, Human Rights Committee for the Arab world, Committee for the Review of the Arab Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism and the Committee for the Support of the Least Developed Arab Countries will also meet.

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