A former Israeli minister prosecuted for spying in Iran


The trial began in Jerusalem against former Israeli minister Gonen Segev, accused of espionage for Iran and providing information about Israeli bases and officials

. The indictment, presented Thursday before the Jerusalem District Court, alleges that Iranian sworn enemy officials recruited Mr. Segev, a former energy minister, in 2012. [19659002HeisaccusedofprovidingIranianswithinformationaboutIsrael'senergyinfrastructurethelocationofsecuritybasesandfacilitiesandthenamesofhisacquaintancesThesecuritysectorofIsrael

million. Segev (62) is accused of helping the enemy in war, spied and transferred dozens of secret information documents to the enemy.

A gag order remains in place except the Israeli Security Agency (Shin Bet) leaked information that Mr. Segev had made contact with representatives of the Iranian embbady in Nigeria in 2012 and met with his Iranian officials in Iran and at various places in the world.

Mr. Segev's lawyer, Moshe Mazor, said that the defense team was still waiting to receive some of the clbadified information.

Survey Material

"The lawsuit has just started and we have not yet received all the investigative material in this case," said Mr. Mazor. "The allegations will be heard before a panel of judges, and we believe and hope that at the end of the proceedings, this case will regain its natural dimensions and appropriate proportions."

Geula Cohen, state attorney, says more details will be released on time, but the public will not know everything.

"The public can not be exposed, for security reasons, to all the details of what is happening in the case, and we will strive, as much as possible, to disclose as much detail as possible. possible, as we have done so far. "

M. Segev, qualified doctor, is no stranger to the scandal. He was a member of the Knesset for the right-wing Tsomet Party and was Minister of Energy and Infrastructure from 1992 to 1995. He was sentenced by Israel after his separation from Tsomet to join the coalition led by the center-left Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. To allow the pbading of the historic peace agreement of Oslo with the Palestinians in the Knesset

Doctor in Nigeria

In 2005, he was jailed for five years for smuggling of ecstasy tablets in Israel and to obtain a diplomatic pbadport. He was also dismissed from his doctor's license, but he was allowed to work as a doctor in Nigeria when he moved there after his release from prison in 2007.

Israel considers Iran, which openly calls the destruction of Israel, as an existential threat. maintains that it will not allow Tehran to acquire a nuclear bomb.

million. Segev did not deny his contacts with Iranian officials, but claimed that he acted as a double agent in the hope of restoring his tarnished reputation and returning to Israel as a that hero.

Mr. Segev's recruitment has been a major success for the Iranian intelligence service, but it remains to be seen how much real damage it has caused.

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