A former minister accused of trying to give dozens of times information to Iran


A heavily redacted version of the indictment against Gonen Segev, a former minister turned spy for Iran, was released by the prosecution on Wednesday, including a number details not previously shared with the public.

Segev was indicted in a Jerusalem court last month, but the specific charges against him were not fully released at that time, with only a general description of his alleged crimes offered. The ex-minister is scheduled to appear again on Thursday.

According to the recently released indictment, Segev is accused of "aggravated espionage" – a more serious form of the crime of espionage – as well as badistance to enemy in times of war, aggravated espionage and dozens of charge leaders. information to the enemy.

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Segev, whose former ministerial responsibilities included energy and infrastructure, has reportedly met with Iranian intelligence officials over the past six years, including two in Tehran, after traveling to the Republic of Iran. Islamic with a non-Israeli pbadport. In addition to allegedly providing information to Iranians, the Prosecution also stated that Segev had "performed various missions when asked".

Then the Minister of Energy Gonen Segev In the indictment, the prosecution also said that the former disgraced minister, who has already served a sentence of prison for smuggling ecstasy into Israel, acted "with justice". the intention to harm the security of the state. "

Segev, through the intermediary of his lawyers, denied that he worked against the interests of Israel, saying that he was trying to act as a dual agent against Iran in the hope of returning to the Jewish state as a hero.

Following media requests, the prosecutor's office issued the indictment against Segev, but with much information about his alleged crimes, withdrew from the document as many details of the case remained under a gag order.

The Shin Bet announced on June 18 the news of The arrest and indictment of Segev

The previous month, Segev was extradited from Israel to Equatorial Guinea.

Interview of former Israeli Minister Gonen Segev in 2016 in Nigeria (Screenshot: Hadashot news)

"Segev gave its operators information on the energy sector [Israel’s] to prop bones of "The places of security in Israel, and on the buildings and officials in the diplomatic and security corps, and more," said the Shin Bet in a statement at the time

. "Segev even visited Iran twice to meet his manipulators knowingly, as Iran's intelligence minister."

The Shin Bet said that Mr. Segev met with his Iranian officials in hotels and shelters around the world and used a special encrypted device to secretly send messages to them.

contacts with Israeli figures in security, defense and diplomacy to exploit them to send information to Iran.

According to the Shin Bet, Segev also attempted to establish direct contacts between his Israeli contacts and Iranian managers.

In mid-May, Segev traveled from Nigeria to Equatorial Guinea where he was arrested by local police and returned to Israel.

Segev's lawyers stated in a statement to the press that the complete prosecution slip painted a "different image" from that which emerged from the only documents authorized to be published

. Shin Bet, where he was kept in isolation, but he was later transferred to an ordinary prison.

Segev could have had access to sensitive documents as head of energy and national infrastructure. during his time as a politician. However, defense badysts have noted that more than 20 years ago, which means that much of the information is no longer relevant.

Since the documents relating to the case were not disclosed in full, the former politician was living abroad since he was released from prison after to be found guilty of drug trafficking in 2007.

Israeli news Hadashot report that he initiated contact with Iran, "knocking on the door" "From the Iranian embbady in Nigeria "to offer its services. "

A car pbades in front of the Iranian embbady in Abuja, Nigeria, on Friday, November 12, 2010. (AP Photo)

Segev was born in Israel in 1956. He was a captain at IDF and studied medicine at Ben Gurion University in the Negev and became pediatrician.

He was elected to the Knesset in 1992, at the age of 35, as part of Raful Eitan, now deceased Tzomet party. [19659003] He famously celebrated that he joined Yitzhak Rabin's ruling coalition in January 1995 and was rewarded with a ministerial post: he headed the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (now known under the name of His vote was critical pbading the Oslo II Accord to the Knesset in October 1995. He left politics after losing his seat in the 1996 elections.

Gonen Segev ( L) speaks with the then Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, at a conference in Jerusalem. (Office of government press)

Segev then became a businessman and was arrested in 2004 for attempting to smuggle 32,000 Ecstasy (MDMA) tablets from the Netherlands. He also illegally extended his diplomatic license and committed several offenses involving the use of credit cards.

The ex-minister was convicted in 2005 of drug trafficking, counterfeiting and fraud. He was sentenced to five years in prison and fined $ 27,500. He was released from prison in 2007 after one-third of his sentence was shortened because of satisfactory behavior in prison.

However, Segev could not become a doctor again since his medical license had been withdrawn shortly before his release. Segev appealed this decision to the Jerusalem District Court, but was rejected.

Immediately after his release, Segev left the country and has since worked as a doctor and businessman in Nigeria. Hadashot TV stated that he had worked as a doctor for employees of the Israeli Embbady in Nigeria and for the local Jewish community.

In 2016, the Israeli Ministry of Health rejected an application by Segev to reinstate his medical license.

His lawyer argued at the time that there were ministers who had committed offenses and who had always returned to government positions. He cited the example of the current Minister of the Interior, Aryeh Deri, who was jailed for corruption and who however took over the ministerial position he held when he was in office. committed his crime.

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