A large Jewish group worries Palestinians who lead the UN's G77 bloc | Jns


The Presidents' Conference, a group representing 51 Jewish national organizations, expressed deep concern over the announcement that the Palestinians will now lead the powerful UN G77 bloc next year.

In a statement, Arthur Stark, President, and Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, said: "What was once a group created to facilitate the Economic progress of the underdeveloped countries will now be a platform of distortion and incitement, increasing the well-documented anti-Israeli bias in the UN.This block helps to ensure the anti-Israel majority in the world. 39, General Assembly. "

the G77 currently comprises 134 UN member states representing more than 80% of the world's population and two-thirds of the UN member states. It is a powerful voting body at the United Nations and plays a particularly important role in the budget.

While Palestinians are not full members of the world organization, they get the status of "non-member observer state" in 2012, they are recognized by 136 members of the United Nations.

Israel's ambbadador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, also called the Palestinian appointment "unfortunate."

"The goal of the Group of 77 was to facilitate the economic development of the underdeveloped countries.It is regrettable that it is now becoming a platform for spreading lies and incentives," he said. he said. "It certainly will not promote the goals of the G77."

The current head of the G77 is Egypt. The decision to formalize the Palestinian appointment will be taken in late September on the sidelines of the opening session of the General Assembly.

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