A legislator accuses Israel's earthquakes of an egalitarian prayer at the Wailing Wall


A legislator of the Knesset of the Sephardic Shas Orthodox party blamed a series of earthquakes in northern Israel for the efforts of the liberal currents of Judaism to improve an egalitarian section at the Wailing Wall.

Yinon Azoulay, during a debate in the Knesset, also said on Wednesday that Reformed Jews "are not Jews".

The debate focused on the renovation plans of the egalitarian prayer section located near Robinson's Arch, at the southern end of the Western Wall.

Earthquakes, ranging in magnitude from 3.2 to 4.3, shook the Sea of ​​Galilee. Wednesday and Thursday.

"Today, we heard that there was some kind of earthquake." Maybe we should do some introspection on this earthquake because someone trying to harming what is holy to us? Listen to our pain, they are not Jewish, "said Azoulay from the podium during the debate.

"What do you have to do with the old stones of the Kotel?" He asked, addressing the liberal Jewish movements. "I suggest that you take the money you invest in the state of Israel and build a Western Wall in the United States"

Plans for Renovation of the Wall Street Equal Prayer Site Lamentations, with a budget of more than $ 7 million, continued despite the suspension of a comprehensive plan approved in 2016.

Azoulay is the son of Minister of Religious Services David Azoulay, who gave up his seat to the Knesset to his son last March. a minister, while the party may occupy the seat with one of its members.

David Azoulay, a member of the committee responsible for approving improvements to the Egalitarian Prayer Section, has already made several pejorative statements about non-Orthodox Jewish denominations.

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