A mother arrested for injecting children with insulin to reap the benefits


  Insulin injected in children to obtain an income

Insulin injected in children to obtain an income

Spokesperson of the police

A mother of ten children was arrested in Jerusalem because She was suspected of injecting children with insulin and presenting them as diabetic patients in order to receive payments from the National Insurance Institute.

The family received a total of 15,000 NIS ($ 4,110) per month.

The secret police investigation began in early June. The Shaare Zedek Medical Center has received a two-and-a-half-year-old child who has been hospitalized twice for uncontrollable convulsions that he has suffered at home during the last two months

during the first hospitalization, which included the transfer of the child to the intensive pediatric hospital. Care unit, the doctors suspected that the child was receiving medication from an external source other than the hospital, which caused the symptoms and negatively affected his health.

the second hospitalization, additional circumstantial evidence accumulated to confirm suspicion and repeated blood tests demonstrated the presence of insulin from an external source in the blood of the child, despite the fact that he was not receiving insulin.

the hospital administration and welfare departments of the Jerusalem Municipality, and conducted various investigative activities that aroused suspicion towards the mother toddler, who apparently inserts the drug into his body, resulting in a deterioration of his health. delaying his recovery.

In early July, police investigators arrested the mother and father, residents of Jerusalem in their thirties. The couple was brought to be questioned by the police because he was suspected of having abused a helpless minor, to have badaulted and to have defrauded.

As part of the open investigation, it was suspected that the mother intentionally interfered with toddler and the health of her other children to create a false impression that they had diabetes, in order to receive a pension monthly from the National Insurance Institute for five of his children.

According to the suspicion, the financial aid that The couple received a pension from the National Insurance Institute, or 800,000 NIS. At the request of the police, a medical opinion was issued on the state of health of all the children of the couple. It became clear that no sick children had ever contracted diabetes. Suspicion was also raised that the father and mother had violently attacked their children several times.

Last Sunday, the father was released by a court under restrictive conditions and the mother's detention was extended until next Tuesday. function () {
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