A peace activist leaves Hebron after hitting a Jewish boy – the attacker


  Hebrew settler army

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Hebrew settler army

JERUSALEM (JTA) – The legal advisor of the observer group of the temporary international presence in Hebron received the order of leave Israel after slapping 10 years old A young boy in Hebron

The incident took place on Wednesday when the Swiss observer participated in a visit to the Hebron area inhabited by Jewish settlers headed by the Israeli NGO left Breaking the Silence. The slap on the child's face was captured on video. The observer of the TIPH was recalled by the Swiss government, said the Swiss ambbadador to Israel, Jean-Daniel Ruch, in a letter of apology to the leaders of the Jewish community. From Hebron

"Although this was undoubtedly preceded by a provocation on the settlers' side, the action of this TIPH member is totally unacceptable.TIPH members are waiting that they keep their nerves under all circumstances, "writes Ruch in the letter published on Twitter by Uri Karzen, director of the Jewish community of Hebron.

The Jewish Community from Hebron called for the fall of TIPH, an international group of civilian observers with observers from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy and Turkey, and Breaking the Silence from Hebron 40,000 Palestinian residents [19659008]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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