A political puzzle in Paris …


Traveling to France to participate in the annual People's Mojahedin Rally (MEK), the entire history of the 39-year-old Theocrats coming to power in Tehran, came under my eyes as a depressing documentary film. 19659002] This regime, which overthrew the Pahlavi dynasty, had accused the monarch of being stubborn, backward and reactionary. Yet what are these so-called revolutionaries doing for Iran for four decades? They have delivered only death and destruction, with economic collapse, and a degraded currency that even a calculator can not scan.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been executed – with reliable sources of human rights – more than 240,000 (19659002) It is no wonder then that I want answers from these self-proclaimed future leaders of the world. ;Iran.

Their forum opened at the Expo Center in Paris, near Charles De Gaulle Airport – for

I must admit my surprise at the scale of this convention, and recognize many prominent faces of Western Europe and America, alongside former governors, former deputies, retired senators, and so on. … [19659002NouswasnotthesepeopleneedneveryoneofthedifferenceofthischoicewasreferredthattheywererequestedthatwasprovidedwasfastlyinadvanceBecausethanksomethisoccasionwasanadjustbenefit!

The speeches were incendiary, but without any grain of substance. Threats and warnings, but no pragmatic solutions. In fact, they were almost convinced that the Iranian regime would collapse during the conference!

However, MEK leaders seemed unaware that the Iranian people, although protesting against the regime across their country, had never mentioned the MEK as their representative.

The rally in Paris must have cost a few million dollars. Who funded it? Everyone was asking the same question.

I even heard a western participant say, "What an acrobatic political circus!"

After three hours, I left with frustration listening to a barrage of empty rhetoric and hollow words. Two of their notables noticed my departure, and the next day I heard a meeting to explain their thoughts. This happened at my hotel for over two and a half hours

. I first asked an important question. Where is Masood Rajavi (founder of WIPO)? Is he dead or alive? I had deliberately asked this to test their honesty and likelihood.

The shocking answer was "he is alive, but can not appear in public because of the threats of badbadination".

We all know that after the invasion of Baghdad, Masood Rajavi disappeared. In fact, at their annual rally of 2016, July 22, while Mariam Rajavi praised her husband Masood as the leader of the organization, a very distinguished, very distinguished Arab politician twice. in his speech, mentioned the name of Masood Rajavi as the LATE leader of the Mujahideen-e-Khalq, and pronounced precisely the word "marhoom", meaning clearly "late."

When Mariam Rajavi heard the word, her face narrowed, but she did not comment. Because the word "marhoom" is an expression of condolence in Arabic. Interestingly, the translator also ignored the word.

I mention this to suggest to readers that such a suspicious dissimulation of facts does nothing to promote their purpose. And from that moment, I was convinced of the uselessness of this discussion.

However, the next day, an old friend whom I had not met for 38 years, visited me! He is well known in Iran and in various universities as a professor of economics. His name is Dr. Shaheen Fatemi, nephew of Dr. Hossain Fatemi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Cabinet of Dr. Mohammed Mussadeq between 1951-53. After the military coup of 1953, this gracious man was executed (in 1954).

Dr. Shaheen Fatemi is a calm, cool, collected and mature personality, and I described my experiences at the meeting. He was happy to have witnessed the things of myself.

I said, "Professor, how do you see Iran and its future?"

The professor replied, "There will be no future for Iran under theocracy, but you should keep in mind that the mullahs will not disappear as that they are fully aware that they are a failure, but like all dictators, live in a state of false fantasy.At the present time, they believe that the only way out to all the disasters that 39 they created is a new war.They are going, they think, to save them by diverting the attention of people.Exactly as it happened when the war broke out between Iraq and Iraq. Iran 38 years ago.

"This saved many mullahs in the name of the Homeland, and now they dream of a rehearsal. but they seem oblivious to the fact that the Iranians of 2018 are totally different from those of 1980. "

Nobody can deny that they control more than a million military uniforms, mainly through the Brainwashing Thus, the recovery of Iran requires wisdom, not emotion.

The Iranian mbades wait patiently (though they manifest daily) a complete national uprising After he left, I started to think deeply about the words of Dr. Fatemi

The cure for the malaise of Iran can not be prescribed by foreign doctors, but should be developed from Iran, by the Iranians, for the Iranians.

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