A terrorist who stabbed a woman in Gush Etzion is 14 years old


Hamza Faiz, a Hebron terrorist who stabbed and seriously injured Nirit Zmora on a parking lot at the junction of Gush Etzion two and a half years ago, was sentenced Monday to 14 years in prison.

The terrorist will have to pay his victim 500,000 NIS in compensation.

In October 2015, Faiz attacked Zmora with a knife, shouting "Allahu Akbar". Initially, the state of Zmora was defined as moderate, but it deteriorated once arrived at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem.

   (Photo: Amit Shabi)

(Photo: Amit Shabi)

The media storm surrounding the lawsuit began nearly three months ago when Lieutenant-Colonel Zvi Heilbron, Lieutenant-Colonel. Colonel Eti Adar and Major Haim Balilty acquitted the terrorist of attempted murder, saying that it was not possible to prove that he was planning to murder Zmora , and have sentenced him instead of aggravated battery and illegal possession of knife.

"It was a stabbing.It is unusual for the courts to convict for murder or attempted murder in the case of a single stabbing, even if it results in death. The reason for this lies in the difficulty of determining whether the intention was murder or injury, "the judges wrote in the summary.

  Nirit Zmora (Photo: Amit Shabi)

Nirit Zmora (Photo: Amit Shabi)

Zmora expressed her feelings about the possible conviction before she was read. "I will come to court without expectations, I just want the judges to look at me in the eyes, "she said.

Lawyer Haim Bleicher of the National Organization of Legal Defense, who accompanied the family, criticized not to condemn Faiz for attempted murder.

" The mere fact of seeing the terrorist's smile when he heard the sentence was enough to understand the amplifeu r of failure and lack of deterrence, "he exclaimed.

   (Photo: Magen David Adom, Spokesperson)

(Photo: Magen David Adom, Spokesperson)

As soon as the verdict was read, Zmora and her family sparked agitation at the court.

"We think Jewish blood is not important," Zmora said. "It is clear to all reasonable people that the terrorist tried to kill me, and this is not an issue, and for two and a half years, I have been living with a knife in the back. this panel of judges, "she complains.

In April 2018, on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, Zmora's son published an article on Facebook also criticizing the decision not to convict the terrorist of attempted murder.

"Today, on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, when we commemorate the murder of Jews solely because of their religion, the Israel Defense Forces judges refuse to acknowledge the attempt Murder of a Jewish woman According to eyewitnesses, he (the terrorist) ran to my mother with a knife shouting "Allah Akbar". What do they think he's got? Intention to do? ", He wrote in his post.

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