A woman rescued six days after her car is stuck in a tree


Car is stuck
The woman's car is stuck in a tree. Photo: Arizona Department of Public Safety

A woman was found alive after six days in the road when her car was stuck in a tree.

The 53-year-old woman lost control of her vehicle along the US 60 in Arizona on Friday, October 12.

The woman's car crossed a fence and fell to a height of 15 meters before getting caught on top of a mesquite tree.

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The woman's car got stuck in a tree. Photo: Arizona Department of Public Safety

It was not until October 18th that a maintenance team and a farmer from the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) maintenance team spotted the car on the tree.

The group noticed a breach of the fence along the EU-60, and when he stood near the damaged fence, he saw the mutilated car stuck in the tree.

Private Caleb Hiegel, Zach Moralez and Josh Miller, members of the road maintenance team, and rancher Dave Moralez found human traces leading to the bed of the Hbadayampa River.

The woman driving the car was found six days later. Photo: Arizona Department of Public Safety

Once at the river, they found a severely dehydrated woman seriously injured. They started to look after the woman and called for a medical helicopter.

She was flown to the hospital and explained that she was stuck in the car before going out and collapsing near the driver.

Colonel Frank Milstead, Director of the Arisona Public Security Department, said: "The ADOT team's diligence and the teamwork of all involved is exemplary and deserves to be commended.

"Thanks to their remarkable efforts, this woman's life has been saved."

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