According to Jeremy Corbyn, public procurement should be granted to British companies | Policy


Government manufacturing contracts should be awarded as much as possible to British companies, said Jeremy Corbyn, highlighting Labor's plans to revive the British industrial base after Brexit.

In a speech to Birmingham business leaders In advocating protectionist ideas, the Labor leader advocated a British approach to government contracts, as well as investments in infrastructure and skills to support manufacturing.

Reject as "magic thought" decades of government policy that tended to promote growth. Corbyn said the bank crash had shown that it was not a reliable economic backer.

Answering questions after the speech at the EEF manufacturers organization, Corbyn rejected the idea that he was protectionist, or even getting closer to Donald Trump's economic policies

" It's not economic nationalism, it's common sense to invest in the "We've never said I had anything in common with Donald Trump before" , he said.

Corbyn added, "Nobody ever said I had anything in common with Donald Trump before. I imagine that it is news for both of us.

In his speech, Corbyn said that a future Labor government would ensure that the state "uses more of its own money to buy here in Britain."

200 billion pounds a year in the private sector, "he said." This buying power alone gives us leverage to stimulate the industry, to encourage businesses to act in the interests of the people by encouraging the real enterprise, fairness, advanced investment, quality service and the right of communities.Here, we must support our industries, ensuring that the Government support as much as possible our industries and not only monitor their decline. "

The Labor leader cites examples such as the decision to choose a French-Dutch company British pbadports and overseas manufacturing of A large part of the rolling stock used in the UK

"We have a lot of capacity to build wagons in the UK and in recent years these contracts have been exported to our economy is crucial for investment, jobs for workers and tax revenues, "he said.

In conjunction with this, Corbyn stated that Labor would seek to reduce the number of "

Answers to questions, Corbyn declined to say whether Brexit would make such policies easier, given the rules of the law. 39; EU. But he said that for many, the referendum vote was "a cry from people that they felt left out in many of their communities."

He added, "Are we in the process of to promote economic nationalism? No, what we are promoting is an investment in the manufacturing sector in this country.

Corbyn also condemned the government's plans on Brexit as being chaotic, accusing Theresa May of being under the control of Jacob Rees-Mogg

. "Never before has a Prime Minister abandoned the interests of the country so imprudently in favor of the interests of their own party or their own preservation," he said.

Corbyn also called for urgent action to maintain the UK "It is not often that the Labor Party and the Institute of Directors, the IWC and the TUC are in agreement – we must negotiate a new customs union. "

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