Affected Irish users like Facebook crashes or closes your phone – why and how to fix it


Millions of people have the Facebook application on their phone and many complain about the collapse and the closure of the application during use.

This can be particularly troublesome when you use the social media platform to update your status.

Fortunately, there are a number of solutions to this problem.

So, why does this happen and how can you stop it? Read on to find out

Why is Facebook crashing?


Facebook is made by the man, he is just as likely to break and break as other applications. If you have not updated for a while, or if you do not have the latest version, there may be problems with your connection.

If your device is too hot or has memory problems, applications may also hang unintentionally. do you stop Facebook from crashing?

There are a few things you can do to prevent it.


Clear from the space

It is always good to erase some memory because of the lack of space often plays a role in these kinds of problems.

in the parameters, general, use.


Take the time to clean up, delete photos, old apps, songs etc – which you do not need.


Make Sure

Older Versions Leave You Open to Bugs – Latest Updates Have Often Corrected Them

View settings, then general and software updates to verify that you have the latest iOS update. ] Remove and reinstall


We know this sounds like the standard computer answer, reboot, restart, delete, but it often works with Facebook.

Hold the application down until it moves, it looks like it's shaking.

Click on the cross that appears, which will allow you to delete it. On Android, you can drop the application into the "bin", but you must enter the settings to completely remove Facebook.

On iPhones return to the App Store and resintall.

Hardware reset

As above, hold the sleep / standby buttons at the same time. After 5 to 10 seconds or when the Apple logo appears, the application automatically stops and restarts. Try to reopen it now.


Do not worry, this will not delete anything, but you can adjust your application settings by resuming the factory default settings.

In the iPhone, go to settings, then general, reset, reset all settings. You will need to add your pbadword to do this.


If you have just installed a new application, it may be that it conflicts with the Facebook application.

Look what you have installed and see if the uninstall makes the difference.

Disconnect Facebook

Facebook is widely available on our smartphones

Open the application and log out quickly. Now go to the device settings and access settings for Facebook. Delete the account because it will disconnect Facebook from your device.

Restart the application and reconnect. Go back to your settings and reload your username and pbadword.

Last resort? Restoring Your Phone or iPad

If you have tried all of the above and it still does not work, it may be a problem with your current device. As a last resort, you can restore your settings, just know that your information and applications will be removed from your device.

You can always save your phone or tablet first – there is a guide on how to do it here.

I hope it will fix it.

What if Facebook is down?

One answer to the app is that the whole Facebook is down. This happens sometimes when the social media platform changes, is updated or there are server problems. Just wait until the problem is solved by Facebook, your application will be fine once the normal service has resumed!

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