After his release, Tamimi promises continued resistance against Israeli "occupation"


The Palestinian teenager at the center of a viral video that ended her time behind bars for slapping an Israeli soldier was released from the Israeli prison early Sunday morning, after eight months in detention.

Her widely publicized liberation in the village of Nabi Saleh in the West Bank, she vowed to continue the Palestinian resistance and the struggle for liberation and expressed her hope that "the occupation will disappear". In her message, she supported the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip.

"I want to thank all those who supported me while I was in prison, I want to thank everyone who campaigned for me" she said, urging the international community to express its solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

"I hope the campaigns that have been done in my name will continue for other political prisoners, especially young children," she added. During her pbadionate release speech, she also criticized the Israeli government for adopting the controversial nation-state law that she described as "racist" and reaffirmed the following message: Jerusalem is and will always be the capital of Palestine.

 Courtesy of the Tamimi family

Earlier in the day, Tamimi met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas after laying flowers on the grave of leader Ybader Arafat in Ramallah

"Ahed Tamimi is a model and an example of the Palestinian popular struggle for freedom and independence," Abbas said at his reception.

She also visited the house of 39, a family member shot dead in June after throwing a rock at Israeli soldiers

Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat seizes the opportunity to launch a bitter indictment against Israel and the US. Trump administration

"Ahed Tamimi is a symbol of Palestinians pride and dignity, a reminder of corruption and crimes of Israeli occupation, and a chapter of shame to those who do not condemn any of the crimes of Israel, like the so-called US peace emissaries, "Erekat wrote on Twitter on Sunday

. By way of congratulations, Turkish Preceptor Recep Tayyip Erdogan reportedly called Tamimi and praised his bravery and determination to fight.

Ahed, 17, and his mother Nariman, also imprisoned for this incident, were led by Israelis. Sharon Prison authorities inside Israel at a checkpoint leading to the West Bank to reach their home in the village of Nabi Saleh.


His father Bbadem put his arms around Ahed and his mother as they walked together along the road, the crowd chanting "We want to live in freedom".

Family members and supporters also gathered at the checkpoint to greet them, but the military vehicles drove them. Stop there and continue in the West Bank.

There was a slight tension at the checkpoint before the arrival of Tamimi as some men with Israeli flags approached supporters holding Palestinian flags. Words were exchanged but there was no violence.

Israeli authorities reportedly provided contradictory information about the checkpoint from which they would be abandoned, fueling speculation that Israel wanted to reduce media coverage.

at the Jbara checkpoint near Tulkarem, but there were later indications that they would be taken to a pbadage in Rantis.

After their release, the Tamimis will hold a press conference (at 4 pm local time) accompanied by other members of their family.

  AP Photo / Mahmoud Illean

Ahed Tamimi was arrested on December 19, a few days after being recorded with her cousin Nour Tamimi in the courtyard of their home in Nabi Saleh, near Ramallah, recounting two soldiers to leave, then jostle, kick and slap them.

The video made Tamimi an icon for Palestinians who were actively resisting the presence of Israel in the West Bank. For the Palestinians, she is a heroine, imprisoned for defending the soldiers who occupied her land and interfering in her family's home

"I expect her to lead her but she will lose her childhood and adolescence, but if it can help solve the Palestinian problem, we are happy, "said his father before the release of Ahed and Nariman, adding that he was concerned about the continuation of the occupation.

"I feel that there are moments of joy moments of waiting, moments mixed with fear and worry because the occupation still exists, our enemies are tending us still ambushes and we still resist this enemy, so there is a price and an unstable life under this enemy ". Many Israelis, the young activist personifies how Palestinians encourage their children to hate and how they try to manipulate the media.

On March 21, the court agreed to a plea bargain giving him an eight-month sentence including the time already spent in detention. She was released on Sunday, July 29th.

 With the permission of the Tamimi family

Tamimi was 16 years old at the time of his arrest and 17 years in prison.

The same audience released Nour Tamimi immediately, when she agreed to a plea agreement.

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Tamimi was arrested in the early hours of December 19, four days after the incident. She was 16 years old at the time.

His mother Nariman was also arrested, as was her cousin Nour, who was released in March.

The Israeli army said that soldiers were in the area on the day of the incident to prevent Palestinians from throwing stones at Israeli motorists

The video shows cousins ​​s & # 39; Approaching two soldiers and telling them to leave before jostling them, kicking them and slapping them.

Ahed Tamimi is the most aggressive of the two. Heavily armed soldiers do not react to what appears to be an attempt to provoke rather than seriously harming them. They then retreat after the involvement of Nariman Tamimi

Many Israelis praised the soldiers for their apparent calm by not reacting to the provocations.


Human Rights Watch's Omar Shakir tweeted Sunday that "the imprisonment of a child by Israel for eight months – for calling to protest and slap a soldier – reflects endemic discrimination, the lack of due process and the mistreatment of children. "

"Ahed Tamimi is free, but hundreds of Palestinian children remain locked up with little attention to their affairs," he said.

The clash took place amid clashes and protests against the controversial recognition of Jerusalem by President Donald Trump. Relatives report that a member of the Tamimi family was injured in the head by a rubber bullet fired during these demonstrations.

His father Bbadem surrounded his wife and daughter with their arms as they walked together along the road. singing "we want to live in freedom".

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