AG bans law enforcement reps from Knesset meeting on PM probes


Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit announced Thursday that representatives of Israel's law enforcement bodies would be excluded from the discussions in the Knesset's Interior Affairs Committee on a claim made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife A motivated by revenge.

Mandelblit Barred the State Attorney's Office, the Israel Police and the Police Investigation Unit from attending the talks, arguing that it could have a negative impact on the investigations.

Mandelblit asked the Knesset's legal adviser Eyal Yinon Wednesday
to cancel Thursday's Knesset committee session with the badual abuse
complaints against train Lahav 433 order Dep. Comm. Roni Ritman and its effect on the corruption investigation of the Netanyahu couple.

 PM Netanyahu and Avichai Mandelblit (Photo: Reuters)

PM Netanyahu and Avichai Mandelblit (Photo: Reuters)

Mandelblit that the meeting was held in the midst of the probes, could "harm the investigation in a way that could be interpreted as an attempt at subvert justice."

The meeting was scheduled after attorneys for Netanyahu asked the attorney general on Tuesday to reconsider the credibility
of investigations conducted against the tenure of Ritman as Lahav 433, which may have been motivated by a personal vendetta against the family.

The letter, sent by attorneys Yaakov Weinroth and Yossi Cohen, states that "it is clear that Dep Commissioner Roni Ritman, who headed the investigations of Israeli Prime Minister and his wife, was prejudiced because he believed that the Netanyahu family initiated the badual harbadment complaint filed by a subordinate. "

"I submitted a letter yesterday to the Knesset's legal advisor and asked him to approach committee chairman Yoav Kisch to cancel it," Mandelblit said. "Regrettably, the discussions were not canceled and they are scheduled to take place.

 To form Lahav 433 order Dep. Comm. Roni Ritman (Photo: Motti Kimchi)

To form Lahav 433 command Dep. Comm. Roni Ritman (Photo: Motti Kimchi)

"After I gave serious consideration to the issue, and despite the fact that this is a move that is not in accordance with the methods of our usual work, I Hereby informs you that in the circumstances described, representatives of the legislature will not expect the discussion, "he wrote in a letter that was sent to Knesset Chairman Yuli Edelstein.

"I am fully aware of the significance of this decision, which is entirely contrary to the rule of law in the relations with the Knesset. I reached a conclusion after tireless efforts that were undertaken, "the letter explained.

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