Ahed Tamimi, Symbol of the Middle East Conflict, Prepares for Freedom


Ramallah (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) – A Palestinian teenager jailed by Israel for slapping and kicking Israeli soldiers in the occupied West Bank is due to be released Sunday after eight months in prison.

Ahed Tamimi was arrested in December 19 after being videotaped with his cousin Nour Tamimi in the courtyard of their house in Nabi Saleh, near Ramallah, asking two soldiers to leave, then shove them, to kick and slap them

She was deprived of bail throughout her detention and subsequent trial in an Israeli military court for badault, throwing stones, inciting her to violence and threats

. a plea bargain granting him an eight-month sentence, including the time already spent in detention.

The same hearing released Nour Tamimi immediately, when she agreed to a plea agreement.

Ahed comes from a family of prominent activists. has been involved in a series of previous incidents, with pictures of his soldiers confronted widely published.

But the December video went viral and turned it into a symbol of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

For the Palestinians, she is a heroine She is incarcerated for defending the soldiers who occupied her land and to interfere in her family.

For many Israelis, she embodies the way Palestinians encourage their children to hate and how they try to manipulate the media. a 14-foot image of his face and curly red hair on the Israeli separation wall in the occupied West Bank.

On Sunday, she should come back to light at a press conference scheduled at her home after her release. 19659013] – "Hero Terrorist" –

When the video was originally published, many Israelis saw it as a symbol of restraint displayed by their army.

As Ahed and Nour pummel soldiers both cousins ​​simultaneously

The soldiers do not react, however, backing away instead.

Yet after the girls – and the mother of Ahed, who also recorded the incident – were arrested and then sentenced with a list of charges, there were criticisms even in Israel , according to which the military prosecutors exaggerated.

Critics compared his eight-month sentence to that of Elor Azaria, an Israeli soldier who served a nine-month sentence.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met his family and praised his courage

At each appearance, media attention grew and helped to create a Palestinian icon.

"You Can not Take a Small Terrorist" Oren Hazan, an Israeli MP from the right-wing Likud party of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, told AFP: "Yara Hawari, Palestinian activist and family friend Tamimi, said th "C" is a symbolic image of a child who faces a heavily armed Israeli soldier at her home, "she told AFP

" The fact that what 39, she has been imprisoned for so long.

– More General Cause –

The Tamimi case has also shed light on other aspects of the Israeli military justice system, including its conviction rate of more than 99% for Palestinians.

Omar Shakir, head of the NGO Human Rights Watch in Israel, said his release would be a moment of reflection on what he calls "endemic" abuse of children in the Israeli justice system

"Ahed Ta mimi will soon be free But many Israelis continue to believe that Tamimi poses a serious risk, accepting the description of a military prosecutor as a threat to public safety.

"The fact is that she is" Most Israelis will tell you that they want to see her in jail for 20 years, "he said.

How Tamimi will face his return to the public eye is not clear, but indications are that it will be vocal.

His father Bbadem, who has not been imprisoned in the incident, makes campaign against the Israeli military occupation of the West.

"I do not think that no child can be totally ready to become an important symbol of the Palestinian struggle, but Ahed is a very child "Hawari," said Hawari, "interrogation videos, of how she behaves in court, that she is incredibly confident and resilient.So, I think she'll take in her stride." [19659028] [ad_2]
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