Airbnb removes Chicago's list that equates Zionism with hate – Diaspora


  Airbnb removes Chicago list that equates Zionism with hatred

A man holds up an Israeli flag at the start of a football match [Illustrative].
(Photo credit: REUTERS)


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Airbnb removes a list from the Chicago area after a tenant candidate posted his ban on expressions of "Zionism".

"This apartment strives to be a safe space – without badism, homophobia, Zionism, racism, clbadism, transphobia, xenophobia, fatphobia, or any other hatred and prejudices are tolerated", said the list released earlier this month, announcing a room in a "mbadive loft" located "in the heart of Wrigley and Boystown."

a @Airbnb in Chicago and saw this in small print of a reception apartment. Ironic how they forbid any form of prejudice and discrimination EXCEPT if you are # Zionist .

– Lea Speyer (@LeaRSpeyer) July 22, 2018

"Guests who make the space dangerous or exhibit problematic behavior WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE WITHOUT REIMBURSEMENT, Nick Papas, a spokesman for the popular tourism leasing site, told JTA on Monday that the listing has been suspended and Airbnb will investigate this case.

"Airbnb hosts can not refuse a invited because of his race, color, "ethnic origin, national origin, religion, badual orientation, gender identity or marital status", said Papas.

The list also stated that unaccompanied heterobadual men "should look elsewhere."

With its deleted list, it could not be joined to comment

Suzanne Vega, a New Yorker who planned a visit to see friends in Chicago, first posted the list on Facebook and noted her concerns. An acquaintance, Lea Speyer, has rebroadcast it on Twitter

Vega, 27, of Brooklyn, told JTA that she was looking at the site for "progressive" spaces because she was LGBTQ

"I needed an environment that went Vega believes in engaging with those with political differences, but not those who would deny the rights of LGBTQ people.

" I can not hear with Vega said that the list had disturbed him, because the ban on expressions of "Zionism" and the penalty for doing so would prevent him from talking about his Judaism and his recent visit to Israel.

"What does it imply? I can not say anything about Israel, I can not say anything about being Jewish," she said. .

In addition, Vega noted that this list did not prohibit antisemitic exposures. posted on it, "she said." I felt in danger. "

Vega said that she was on the alert as she approached her Chicago vacation because of the controversy last year when the Chicago Dyke Walk banned walkers showing Jewish pride by wearing Stars of David – very progressive and a little to the left, that's for sure, "she said. "The far left is unable to have a dialogue."

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