"All that we deserve, those of Judea and Samaria also deserve"


Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked explained the importance of her new legislation, which pbaded her last reading yesterday in the Knesset. The new law transfers the initial jurisdiction over administrative matters in Judea and Samaria from the Supreme Court to the Jerusalem District Court.

When questioned today, Wednesday, 103FM by Anat Davidov and Yinon Magal, Shaked stated that the law entailed "a big change because now all the petitions against the settlement, which always start essentially with a petition that seeks to execute a demolition order that the civil administration gives, these petitions pbad, first, by the district court In the district court, things work differently: you can further verify the facts, and this is part of the normalization of Judea and Samaria, also for the Israeli citizens who live there, to equalize the proceedings in Judea and Samaria with those of Israel. "

Shaked responded to the contention that the new law would simply result in legal proceedings in cases which, in any event, would result in an appeal to the Supreme Court. [19659002] "Cases can certainly reach the Supreme Court on appeal, but of all the experience we have in the legal system, only 10% of cases come before the Supreme Court on appeal, and we hope that [the law] will not create the unnecessary burden of a dual procedure, but that most cases will be resolved in the district court. The district court has a different method, and so we think it's more correct and appropriate.

She also objected to the characterization of law investigators as a "creeping annexation" of Judea and Samaria.

"This is a type of normalization. As for the Knesset, I invested a lot in the harmonization of laws between Judea and Samaria and Israel smaller, whether in the general orders or in the primary legislation. Each bill submitted to the ministerial committee, we verify how this will also apply in Judea and Samaria. We are really trying to equalize the conditions. This is not annexation, but the equalization of conditions – all that we deserve, those who live in Judea and Samaria also deserve. "

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