Alyssa Milano Receives Support to Condemn a Jewish Woman to Hate Women Marchers Leaders


The stars of Will & Grace television channel Debra Messing announced via Twitter that she would join actress Alyssa Milano in condemning the anti-Semitic leaders of the March of Women.

Messing tweeted an article in The Advocate in which Milan pledges not to speak during the rehearsal of the January Women's March and denounces the group for its connection with Louis Farrakhan, preacher of anti-Semitic hatred, according to Dailywire .com.

Milano told The Advocate that she was uncomfortable with the link between Women's March leaders Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour and the leader of the Nation of Islam, based in Chicago.

Although she is a convinced liberal, Milan spoke out against anti-Semitism and saw the three women denounce Farrakhan.

"Whenever there is bigotry or anti-Semitism in this regard, it must be called and treated. I am disappointed by the leadership of the March of Women for not doing it properly, "said Milano. "I would say no at this point. Too bad that none of them has opposed him at this stage. Or even give a very good reason to support them. "

Just a few weeks ago, Ben & Jerry's Israel, the licensee of the American ice cream company, announced that it would not carry the brand's new flavor Pecan Resistance, promoted by the anti-anti-doping activist. Israeli Linda Sarsour.

When Ben & Jerry's announced the introduction of Pecan Resistance, he said the proceeds from sales of this new flavor would support "groups creating a more just and equitable nation for all of us."

In a statement posted on his Facebook page, Ben & Jerry's Israel said: "All products sold in Israel are manufactured in a factory located in Beer Tuviya …. We buy our milk and cream only from Israeli producers. We have no connection with the decisions made by the global brand and we do not get involved in local or global politics. "

The company said it did not intend to market this new flavor, but said it would "continue to work and act for the community and for Israeli society," reported The Tower.

Sarsour appears in one of the promotional photos for the new flavor. Among the groups that will benefit from sales of Pecan Resistance is the Women's March, three of whose co-chairs – Sarsour, Tamika Mallory and Carmen Perez – have links with Louis Farrakhan, anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam.

Earlier this year, The Tower added: "Mallory has not been invited to appear before a forum in Australia after calling the foundation of the modern Jewish state of Israel" a crime against humanity. " "Humanity" and attended a Farrakhan speech in February ".

By Patricia Savage

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