An Arab-Israeli man accused of joining Daesh in Syria after crossing the border with a paraglider | The Jewish Press – | TPS / Tazpit News Agency | 7 Av 5778 – July 18, 2018


Photo credit: Hillel Maeir / GST

(illustrative) Israel's border with Syria

Yona Schnitzer

Nidal Salah, a 26-year-old man from the city of Jaljulia near from Tel Aviv, was charged for crossing the Syrian border and joined the Islamic State to fight in their ranks.

According to the indictment, Salah conspired with affiliates of the Arab-Israeli city to cross the border and join the ISIL forces fighting the Syrian regime. solidarity.

While the group was in agreement that most of them would travel to Turkey and cross into Syria, Salah and his friend Hussam Hajla would cross Israel directly using paragliders. Both bought paragliders and got instructional videos to learn how to use them. Meanwhile, the rest of the group has abandoned the idea of ​​traveling to Syria via Turkey.

On October 17, 2015, Salah and Hajla arrived at a crossing point that they chose on the Golan Heights after studying maps of the region. take off from the ground to cross the border. Both failed due to technical difficulties and chose to return home to Jaljulia. A week later, on October 24, Salah returned to the chosen crossing point, this time alone, and managed to take off and slide across the border, avoiding Syrian fire in his direction along the way.

The ascension of Salah looked for him but he was unable to find him.

Upon arriving in Syria, Salah was captured by members of the Islamic State who tortured and interrogated him in order to learn information about Israel. At first, Salah tried to escape but failed. Eventually, he won the trust of his captors and was released.

After his release, Salah officially joined the ranks of the Islamic State and spent the next two and a half years fighting for the Islamic State, where he received training in arms. , learned how to make explosive devices and helped the terrorist organization translate documents into Hebrew. Salah even tried to recruit friends and relatives to Israel, sending them photos of him in ISIS and brandishing guns.

Salah was eventually incorporated into the ISIS Development and Manufacturing Division, where he worked for a monthly salary. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for both intelligence gathering and explosive transportation. During his stay in the division, Salah participated in experimental deployments of explosive drones and helped the terrorist organization to design and build a helicopter that reached advanced manufacturing stages

Finally, Hasan was captured by Syrian forces on the battlefield. captivity until he managed to escape last May and cross into Turkey with the help of a smuggler.

On June 21, accompanied by a lawyer and his family, Hasan returned from Turkey to Israel where he was arrested on arrival and taken into custody.

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