An Iranian officer accuses Israel of stealing clouds and snow from Iran


A senior Iranian army official raised his eyebrows, accusing the country's main rival, Israel, of "stealing" its clouds.

The senior officer announced that weather conditions were changing in the country because Israel was preventing clouds from entering Iran and dropping rain there.

Yes, you read it well. On Monday, at a press conference, Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali, head of the Iranian Civil Defense Organization, said Monday that the changing weather patterns in the country were "suspicious"

"Foreign interference is suspected of having played a role in climate change: Israel and another country in the region have joint teams that ensure that clouds entering the Iranian skies do not can not bring down the rain, "said the ISNA agency. ALSO READ | Iran accuses the Mujahideen of Rallying Bomb plot of Paris

He also claimed that scientific studies in Iran had "confirmed" it.

"In addition, we are confronted with the issue of flying clouds and snow" He adds, citing a survey showing that above 2,200 meters, all the mountainous areas between the 39th and 26th Afghanistan and the Mediterranean are covered with snow, with the exception of Iran, reported Arutz Sheva, an Israeli press organization

. , the weather department of Iran contradicted it.

Ahad Vazife, head of the Iranian Meteorological Department, told ISNA: "No country can steal snow or clouds". He added that probably Brigadier General Jalali "has documents of which I am not aware."

He said that prolonged droughts in Iran were not unusual and were part of an overall trend. to solve all our problems, but will dissuade us from finding the right solutions, "he added, apparently referring to Jalali's claims.

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