An Iranian official in Trump: If you start the war, we will end it


General Qbadem Soleimani, commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards Qods Force, said Thursday that US President Donald Trump should address direct threats against Tehran, Reuters . Soleimani also made fun of Trump using the language of "night clubs and gambling halls".

"As a soldier, it is my duty to respond to your threats … If you want to use the language of the threat … for me, not for the president (Hbadan Rouhani). it is not in the dignity of our president to answer you, "he said.

"We are close to you, where you can not even imagine … Come, we are ready … If you start the war, we will end the war, you know that this war will destroy everything you own. Soleimani

"You (Trump) are threatening to pay a price that few countries have ever paid for." Trump is the language of nightclubs and playrooms, "Soleimani said. , commander of the Quds forces at the head of the Overseas Revolutionary Guards operations.

Threats are the latest news of a war of words between Trump and Iran Sunday, Trump warned Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani on Twitter to no longer threaten the United States.

Before Trump's tweet, Rouhani had warned the United States not to "play with the lion's tail", this conflict with Iran would be the "mother of all wars."

Iran's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohammad Javad Zarif, later responded to Trump with a tweet of himself, writing: "We are not impressed: a few months ago, and the Iranians have heard – even They are more civilized – for 40 years We have been around for millennia and saw the fall of empires, including ours, which lasted more than the life of some countries.Be careful! "

Trump later seemed to soften his rhetoric when he kept the possibility of negotiating an agreement to denuclearize Iran.

Tensions have risen between the United States and Iran in recent months, after Trump pulled out of the 2015 agreement, under which sanctions against Iran were lifted in exchange for the limitation of its nuclear program. Washington has since told countries that they should stop buying Iranian oil from Nov. 4 or face financial measures.

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