An old pottery factory unveiled in Israel [Report] – Brinkwire


Israeli archaeologists unveiled on Tuesday what they said was a large pottery factory that was producing continuous wine storage jars from the Roman era to the Byzantine era.

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) reported that excavations near the city of Gedera, south of Tel Aviv, revealed the factory and an adjacent leisure complex of 20 swimming pools and a hall board games. Nagorsky told reporters on the site that from the third century AD, the plant produced containers of a type known by historians as "Gaza jars" for an uninterrupted period of 600 years

. , "she says." An engineer worked on it. The site is very designed. "

A statement from the AAI added that the main function of the jars was the storage and shipping of wine, a thriving local industry at the time, with large-scale exports.

of these jars probably indicates that the business was a family business, which pbaded from generation to generation, "said the IAA in a statement.

He stated that the remains of about 100,000 pots found buried on the site were probably rejected rejects

Beside the factory, there were two Byzantine baths, at least one with a boiler and 20 "finely constructed" basins connected to each other by cbads and pipes.

"Archaeologists consider the water This complex served both the local population and the many travelers along the old main road connecting the Gaza port to the center of the country," the statement said .

Gaza City is about 30 miles (48 kilometers) from Gedera Street on the Mediterranean coast. During its long history, Gaza was ruled by Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders, Mamelukes and Ottomans.

In Gedera, according to the IAA, the games room was "a rare and surprising discovery". used to play backgammon and "mancala", games that are still popular in the area.

According to the statement, Gedera's pottery workshops might have built the recreation center for its employees, just like high-tech workers.

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