ANALYSIS: Trump's threat to Iran indicates joint Israeli-US strategy


While Israel continues to try to prevent Iran from settling near the Syrian border on the Golan Heights and that it would have done another air strike on an Iranian military base in Syria, the United States engaged in a war of words with the Islamists. That happened after Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani threatened to lead "the mother of all wars" if the US decided to take further sanctions to prevent Iranian oil exports via the Strait of Persia. Ormuz, the strategically important waterway. After hinting that he could close the Strait of Hormuz for all the oil-producing countries, Rouhani addressed the Iranian nation on Sunday and warned the United States of do not aggravate tensions with Iran. 19659002] "Mr. Trump, we are the honest men who, throughout history, have guaranteed the safety of the water courses of this region," said Rouhani, adding: "do not play with the tail of the lion; "

Rouhani then declared that" peace with Iran would be the mother of all peace, "while the war with the Islamic Republic would be" the mother of all wars. "[19659002] Trump immediately retaliated and To Iranian President Rouhani: NEVER, NEVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES OR YOU HAVE CONSEQUENCES THAT HAVE ALWAYS SUFFERED FROM ALL STORIES.Before, "Trump warned the President of Iran.

He went on to say that the United States "NO LONGER BE A COUNTRY TAKING ACCOUNT OF YOUR LIES OF VIOLENCE AND DEATH" and warned Iran's leaders to "exercise caution."

Trump's Threat has caused a host of senior Iranian officials to ridicule the president or make similar threats.

Force Commander Basij GIR Gholamhossein Gheybparvar claimed that "Trump could not do" a dam thing against Ira. "While the former commander of the IRGC, Mohsen Rezaei, tweeted" Mr. Trump, be careful. "

Iranian political badyst Seed Leilaz said that he believed that Trump's remarks were simply" the storm before the calm "" The Blaze reported.

IRNA, the regime's spokesperson, thought Trump was merely mimicking Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, who once warned the West to "never threaten an Iranian".

In reality, the Iranian army is no match for the US armed forces. In addition, the US military has a budget twice the GDP of Iran and, in 2016, under the Obama administration, received $ 612 billion, while Iran spent about 18 billion dollars. By contrast, Iran is able to wage a murderous asymmetric war against the US military using its vast arsenal of ballistic missiles and proxies throughout the Middle East.

Iran is also capable of conducting attacks by launching terrorist attacks against the various American targets in the world. Hezbollah has operational capabilities well beyond the Middle East.

The Islamic Republic also has a fleet of at least twenty Ghadir. submarines and other types of submarines that could be used in case he decided to close the Strait of Ormuz.

New US sanctions against the Iranian oil industry are expected to begin in early November and the Deputy Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has already advised Rouhani to close the Strait of Ormuz in response .

Approx. 30% of the crude oil and oil transited by the sea pbad daily through the crucial waterway.

Other economic sanctions will be imposed on Iran by the Trump administration in the coming weeks, while Trump is also encouraging Iranians. The only leader who seemed to be satisfied with Trump's firm stance on Iran was Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu who praised the president for his firm stance against "the aggression of the Iranian regime."

"For years this regime has been pampered by the superpowers, and it is good to see the United States change this equation unacceptable," said Netanyahu at the beginning of the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem .

This was a new indication that Israel is working in tandem with the Trump Administration to contain the growing Iranian threat to the country and to world peace in general.

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