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This op-ed column reflects the opinions of its author, Aubrey L. Lurie.

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Jews are killed again, this time in the United States. For what reason? For being Jews!

Being Jewish embraces being industrious; participating in cultural events including music, visual arts, literature and philosophy; adding to scientific knowledge, mathematics and computer concepts; advancing medicine; and contributing to other endeavors of human creativity.

These are the goals of these activities, whether they are hospitable or not. They contribute to the society, where they live and no matter how acceptable they are to the larger population. Their successes breed jealousy, hostility and blame – for being Christ-killers and conniving thieves, for aiming for world domination and control.

But Jews will not be stopped or destroyed. They will always survive.

They prosper in cultures that lack discrimination and societies with diminished hatred. Yet for all their achievements, they are envied and hated by many screwballs in the general population.

There are many misconceptions about Jews.

One, most prominent, is the one that Jews speak with one voice. Nothing could be further from the truth. Speaks with many voices, each believing that his or her opinion is correct. The same applies to attitudes among American Jews and those living in Israel.

This particularly relates to religious beliefs and practices. When Israel was re-constituted in 1948 as an independent and sovereign country, and in order to include the most religious and observant Jews, the founding fathers decided that the religious should be centered on the belief that the state would be reborn when the Messiah arrived . The practice of such an event could not be predicted. More importantly, Jews had just emerged from a destructive force that killed half their number in the world.

Thus, Israel was established as a secular state of religion and follows the teachings and practices of the Bible.

Jews living in the rest of the world, and in particular the United States, have been modified in their living beliefs based on the US. Jews in America (and enlightened countries in Europe) were attracted to the devout, conforming Jews (called Orthodox) to more liberal philosophies of the Conservative and Reform movements.

Even the Orthodox were not a homogeneous group. Several Orthodox splinter groups were founded on philosophies of strong Rabbinic teachings. Certain Orthodox Men Preferred to Wear 19th-century Polish clothing, often with special designs for their hats, coats and clothing.

The role of women in this group is based on the observation of the group, and provides for their men and women. Women are expected to produce children and to work hard and provides a safe environment for their families. Many women are encouraged to have bad with their husbands and wigs.

At the other extreme there are progressive congregations that encourage both men and women to study and practice their religion. These newer, non-Orthodox religious practices thrive in the US.

In Israel, the de facto home country for Jews, religious expression is controlled by the Orthodox group, with the more liberal expressions barely tolerated. These latter Israelis often express their belief that living in the Biblical country of the Jews.

This split between American Jews and Israeli Jews reflects the different lifestyles in each country. Political affiliations in both countries tend to reflect the attitudes of the local communities. American Jews are more liberal, except for those living in New York and Donald Trump. Israeli Jews tend to support the politics of politics, and they, too, support Trump. Barack Obama is not a favorite politician in Israel.

Yet the killing of Jews continues. Consider what the "deplorable" wish to accomplish – mediocracy versus meritocracy. Guess who will be the first to complain?

Aubrey A. Lurie is a physician in Shreveport and a frequent contributor to The Times.

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