And what do Jabotinsky's Arabs know?


The Jabotinsky Institute today conducted a survey in Israeli society seeking to examine the public knowledge of the character and activities of man, the founder of the revisionist movement, and the l '. one of the leaders of the Zionist movement.

conducted by the Rafi Smith Institute for the Jabotinsky Institute, investigating Jews and Arabs and, among other things, examines the public's knowledge about Ze Jabotinsky.

Eight percent of the adult Jewish population responded "a Zionist, journalist, and intellectual leader." Seven percent responded "the founder of Beitar Jerusalem," while 4% thought it was the first Mayor of Tel Aviv (wrongly – it was Meir Dizengoff) and only 5% did not know the answer.

question correctly, 13% did not know the answer, 10% answered "the first mayor of Tel Aviv" and 8% answered "a minister in the first Israeli government."

Other interesting results emerge from the survey conducted among the Arab population in Israel. On the question of who Ze Ze Jabotinsky was, 44% answered "a Zionist leader, a journalist and a spiritual person", 12% mentioned other answers, and 44% answered that he was not sure. they did not know it

. If Ze Jabotinsky was in favor or against coexistence between Arabs and Jews, 52% said that they did not know. 28% are in favor of coexistence and 20% say they oppose it.

The director of the Jabotinsky Institute, Gideon Mitchnik, summarizes the situation revealed by the investigation: "Before the day of Jabotinsky's death, we launched an investigation. by the Rafi Smith Institute among young people, graduates and the Arab sector, because of the ignorance and the very worrying lack of knowledge that we encounter almost every day among young people, soldiers and d & # 39; 39, other people. The experience and the survey itself generate in-depth discussions about the education system and how to convey Zionism. "At our disappointment and at our joy at the same time, the results of the survey were different from what we meet and even: the majority, adults and young people, seem to know something about Jabotinsky.We have many challenges and a long way to bring Jabotinsky to people in a creative and relevant way while adapting the message to all audiences. "

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