Android phones flagship top download speeds of the iPhone X, report the claims


While the battle between iOS and Android is raging – and there are points you could do for one side or the other – there is one thing that does not happen often in a debate between the two parties. That's the modem speed of a phone. According to new data from Ookla, the company behind the popular website, maybe that should change.

Ookla compared the Intel XMM 7480 – found in flagship phones like the iPhone X – and the Qualcomm X20, found on the Snapdragon 845, which is in turn featured in phones like the Samsung Galaxy S9. The results of this study were quite interesting – but most importantly, Ookla found that Qualcomm outperformed Intel in almost all metrics.

For example, on T-Mobile, Ookla found that phones with a Snapdragon 845 had download speeds 53% faster than phones with Intel XMM 7480 modems. On top of that, phones equipped with Snapdragon 845 typically have a 32% lower latency than that of the Intel XMM 7480.

On AT & T, the results were similar – but not quite the same. Snapdragon 845 phones, for example, typically achieve typical 40% faster download speeds and 20% faster download speeds. According to Ookla, the "typical" figure refers to the average of the average 50% of observations. In other words, after removing the first 25% and the bottom 25% of observations, the average of the remaining 50% is measured – giving what Ookla calls the "typical" amount.

The results have some implications. While it is clear that a compatible Snapdragon 845 device is the solution to adopt if you want a phone with faster internet connection, slower phones affect everyone. After all, relay antennas have very little bandwidth, and when slow phones take longer to download, it means that faster phones need to wait longer to access that bandwidth. Of course, this is clearly not an Android problem against iPhone – you should not be upset by iPhone users for clogging a cell phone tower. The same issues arise with older Android phones, and newer Intel modems are probably faster than some low-end Snapdragon chips.

Still, the best mobile modem Qualcomm is significantly faster than that of Intel. is likely to download files much faster than a flagship iPhone. Also worth noting is the report that Apple is abandoning Intel communication chips – and it will be interesting to see how Apple's modems compare to those of Qualcomm.

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