Angry over Hamas-held soldiers, IDF Reservists return campaign medals to PM


Twenty IDF reserve soldiers who fought in the Gaza strip during Operation Protective Edge in 2014 badembled outside the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem on Sunday afternoon to the "worthless" campaign medals they received-along with those of 380 other soldiers- Lt. Hadar Goldin and Staff Sgt. in protest against the government's failure to secure the return of the remains of soldiers. Oron Shaul, who was killed during the offensive and who is being held by the Hamas terror group.

The four-hundred soldiers returning to their medals served in the Givati ​​Brigade, the Golani Brigade and others. The medals were placed in a box along with an open letter that had already been sent to the prime minister, explaining their motives.

IDF reservists protest outside PM's residence (צילום: משה מזרחי)

"We have decided to return the medals from the war we got our service. A campaign medal that does not represent values ​​is worthless, "the reservists wrote." The war is not over until the last soldier is returned home to his family. "

Security guards at the residence on Balfour Street precluded from reserving the door to the barrier, saying that it can not be placed under the roof and that they are unable to meet the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

 Lt. Hadar Goldin (L) and Staff Sgt. Oron Shaul

Lt. Hadar Goldin (L) and Staff Sgt. Oron Shaul

Gold Cohen, who fought in an elite unit of the Givati ​​Brigade with Goldin expressed with the situation arising from the kidnapping of his comrade's remains.

"Four years after Protective Edge we can not remain silent anymore. We are here to explain to the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers that Operation Protective Edge does not end up we see the return of Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul who fought in their mission, "Cohen explained.

"We drafted with the knowledge of the existence of a non-written agreement between the State of Israel and its soldiers that it is obligatory to bring us back to life."

  (Photo: Amit Shabi)

(Photo: Amit Shabi)

Hadar Goldin's brother, Tzur, praised the solidarity shown by the reservists. "This is an exceptional event. It was not us who initiated it. This action points to a badge of shame when it comes to the so-called loyalty to the IDF soldiers. We have an opportunity to create an equation in which a deal with Gaza depends on the missing soldiers, "Tzur said.

Last Tuesday, the Goldin and Shaul families boycotted a ceremony
commemorating the fallen soldiers of the Protective Edge in protest against the government's failure to return their sounds for burial in Israel.

While the ceremony was taking place on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, 15 bereaved families whose sounds had fallen during the 7-week offensive summer protested outside Prime Minister's Residence.

  (Photo: Amit Shabi)

(Photo: Amit Shabi)

Speaking at the state ceremony on Mount Herzl, Netanyahu said, "We continue to invest in the fight against terrorism. Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin, Not everything is in the open, and it's a good thing. "This is a commitment that will remain in their statements, relentlessly." The same applies to our citizens held in Gaza, Avera Mengistu and Hisham al-Sayed , all over the years. "

In June, Goldin's comrades-in-arms feels an open letter to Netanyahu, calling on him to allow the Gaza Strip to rest until the remains of Goldin and fallen fellow IDF soldier Oron Shaul are returned to Israel for burial .

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