Another round of anti-Semitic talk at UCLA


anti-Israel BDS protestersA pro-Israel group says an anti-Semitic organization has the right to meet but warns that anti-Semitism is on the right on campuses across the U.S.

Students for Justice in Palestine is hosting its eight annual conference on the UCLA University campus November 16 through the 18.

Charline Delkhah of StandWithUs, a pro-Israel organization, says it’s wrong to conclude that UCLA agrees with the beliefs of the anti-Israel group.

“But because we live in a country where freedom of speech is one of our basic amendments,” she says, “they’re given the same rights as we would be given those rights to have a conference on any campus.”

Delkhah agrees, however, with several studies that show anti-Zionist activity is a contributing factor in the rise of anti-Semitism on campuses.

“And since the past eight years since this conference has been happening over and over and over again,” she warns, “the anti-Semitism on college campuses has just been rising.”

The Algemeiner Jewish newspaper reports the boycott, divestment and sanctions resolutions targeting Israel are a hallmark of the organization on college campuses.

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