Antisemitic Den of the Holocaust on the ballot for the East Bay House Headquarters – J.


John Fitzgerald claims that the Holocaust is "an absolute lie". He accuses Israel of supporting the terrorist attacks of the World Trade Center in 2001. He denounces the "Jewish supremacism" in the United States

And he is the Republican candidate in the House Representatives of a district that understands the most large part of Contra Costa County.

Fitzgerald was second on June 5, after Mark DeSaulnier, a Democrat who has represented the district since 2015.

attended San Francisco State University, Fitzgerald received 24 percent of the vote in the primary. DeSaulnier got 68 percent and political badysts consider him an irresistible favorite to win the reelection in November

Fitzgerald, 54, is the second anti-Semitic of its kind to campaign for the California Congress this year. Albany resident, Patrick Little, was also a candidate for the June 5 primary, for the Senate seat now owned by Dianne Feinstein

Little, however, received only 1 percent of the vote and did not get it. Is not qualified for general elections. Fitzgerald came in second in a field of four candidates, getting the right to challenge DeSaulnier for his congressional seat in November.

Although the Californian Republican Party has disavowed Fitzgerald "because of the anti-Semitic comments he's made recently" remains on the ballot as a Republican candidate for the Nov. 6 elections.

Seth Brysk, director of the Central Pacific Region of the SF Anti-Defamation League, has had Fitzgerald on his radar since his first win last month. "It is clear that he is a Holocaust denier and a supplier of other anti-Semitic tropes, particularly about Jewish power, Jewish control and Jewish manipulation of the media," Brysk said. to J. "Everyone can see it on his website in his own words, which is similar to other efforts that we have seen by white supremacists and right-wing extremists, trying to to claim the cloak of conservatism and legitimacy with their radical marginal views. "

On his site, Fitzgerald applauds others for saying that Jews control the US media, that they push for immigration of mbad and forced multiculturalism in the United States and Europe, and that they occupy a prominent place in the slave trade before the civil war.

telling voters to "end the Jewish takeover of power in America and restore our democracy by voting for John Fitzgerald for the US Congress."

"This is no longer a true democracy when a minority 2% ethnic is Jewish. uses it to serve the foreign country of Israel, "says the 63-second message. "Your vote for John Fitzgerald means no more American wars for Israel on the basis of their lies, like the September 11 Jewish attack." Your vote for John Fitzgerald means no longer sacrificing life and our children's members for Israel. "

The calls end with:" This message paid by ", which describes itself as a" video podcast for white nationalists This same group said they paid for automated calls this spring that attacked Feinstein as a "treacherous Jew."

Fitzgerald did not immediately respond to a request for comments from J., but stated on his website that he had nothing to do with [19659002] "I want to make it clear that I am NOT responsible for this call and that I have not authorized and / or given permission to Road To Power or anyone else to take these messages out to the public," Fitzgerald writes. . "Road to Power" is a person and / or a despicable hate organization that openly degrades ethnic groups in its podcasts and website, and uses pejorative terms for people of color and openly hates all Jews. I have never and I will never hate or degrade any ethnic group solely because of their ethnic identity. "

million. Brysk added, "I appreciate the state GOP statements that disavow the candidate and the party away"

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