Apple "deliberately slows down" its MacBook Pro £ 2,700


Apple deliberately slows its £ 2,700 ($ 3,500) MacBook Pro, according to a prominent gadget specialist.

The high-end notebook, launched earlier this week, would have overheating problems.

YouTube vlogger gadget Dave Lee called the problem "absurd", and put the blame on the inability of the laptop to properly cool its computer chip.

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  Apple has received a backlash from a technology reviewer on their high-end laptop, the MacBook Pro. The YouTuber claims that the laptop for a week has overheating problems and that the firm slows down the machine (stock)

Apple has received a backlash from a technology critic on its high-end notebook, the MacBook Pro. The YouTuber claims that the notebook of one week has overheating problems and that the company has slowed the machine accordingly (stock)

Evidence of unusual behavior has appeared in a review of the new laptop .

When testing a high-end model equipped with an i9 processor, which adds an extra £ 350 ($ 450) to the price of the laptop, Lee noticed that the machine was less efficient.

The processor was limited to a maximum speed of 2.2 GHz, well below the frequency of 2.9 GHz.

The processing speed allows computers to multitask at a time.

In his review, Dave Lee used Adobe Premiere video editing software, to test the capacity of the machine.

He found that the model without the additional upgrade of the i9 chipset was still able to reach the same speeds of 2.6 GHz – the same as the strangled processor. in the MacBook can not even maintain the basic clock speed, "Mr. Lee said.

  YouTube Vlogger Gadget Dave Lee unearthed the evidence of unusual behavior in a newly published notebook review. When testing a high-end model equipped with an i9 processor, which adds £ 350 ($ 450) more to the cost, he noticed that the machine underperformed

YouTube vlogger Dave Lee has uncovered unusual behavior in a review of the newly released laptop. When testing a high-end model equipped with an i9 processor, which adds an extra £ 350 ($ 450) to the cost, he notices that the machine is underperforming

& # 39 Forget Turbo Boost, it can not even maintain the basic clock frequency of 2.9GHz, which is nonsense.

This central unit is an unlocked, overclockable chip, but all that CPU potential is wasted inside this chbadis and the thermal solution inside this chbadis. The boundaries of the view could be misleading, as Lee only tested one task in one application.

It is also important to recognize that the test was done only on one computer, and might reflect a flaw with this particular

Apple declined to comment on the claims.

This is not the first time that Apple has problems with the reliability and performance of its laptops.

The "Butterfly Keyboard" received a flood of complaints after MacBook owners claimed that the keys would unexpectedly repeat, respond inconsistently, or stop working entirely on their laptops. some models for free.

<img id = "i-59f88f0085569b72" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " 2018/07/19/17 / 4E685FFE00000578-5971273-image-a-11_1532016561031.jpg "height =" 343 "width =" 631 "alt =" It is also important to recognize that the test was performed only on a single computer, and might reflect a flaw with this particular computer and not on the model as a whole.It is also important to recognize that the test was only done on one computer and that it was only it may reflect a flaw with this particular computer and not the model as a whole It is also important to recognize that the test was only done on one computer, and could reflect a flaw with this computer in particular and not on the model as a whole Clock frequency restrictions are common to avoid r overheating (photo)

The keyboard design means that MacBook owners are unable to remove debris stuck under the keys at home.

As a result, Apple has announced that it will be covered the cost of any keyboard replacement, and the refund of those who have already paid the bill themselves.

The new keyboard service program covers nine notebooks launched since 2015.

The Cupertino business has already been hit lawsuits around super-thin keyboards.

Apple introduced the new keyboard design in 2015, with the launch of its 12-inch MacBook.

To accommodate a full-size keyboard in the small frame of the laptop, which Apple only reduces the movement of keys with its new "butterfly mechanism"


Apple has recognized and admitted th to some of its laptops are performing unexpectedly.

Reports have been swarming for some time on Apple's "butterfly" keyboard, with them allegedly breaking easily.

This has now been confirmed by the Cupertino firm, which has stated that it will now replace or repair the affected models, free of charge.

Eligible models include:

  • MacBook (retina, 12-inch, early 2015)
  • MacBook (retina, 12-inch, early 2016)
  • MacBook (retina, 12-inch, 2017) [19659041] MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, two Thunderbolt 3 ports)
  • MacBook Pro (13-Port, 2017, two Thunderbolt 3 ports)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, four Thunderbolt 3 ports) [19659041] MacBook Pro ( 13 inch, 2017, four Thunderbolt 3 ports)
  • MacBook Pro (15 inch, 2016)
  • MacBook Pro (15 inch, 2017)

To identify the model of your computer and see if it is eligible for it program, choose Apple menu> About this Mac on the device.

For those who are having problems, Apple has a new support document detailing the MacBook and MacBook Pro keyboard service program.

You can have your keyboard repaired by:

Go to an Apple Authorized Service Provider.

Make an appointment at an Apple Store

Send your device to the Apple Repair Center.

To prepare your unit for service, you must first back up your data.

The interview will be carried out free of charge. For anyone who already knew the problem and who had to pay for maintenance via Apple, the company will reimburse customers the cost of the repair.

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