Apple's market share increased in Q2 as iOS dominates US smartphone sales


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New reports suggest that Apple has hammered the market share of Android over the last twelve months on the strength of sales iPhone X and iPhone 8. The first sales of these devices in the back half 2017 may have raised concerns that Apple could have bet poorly with its iP Hone 8 and iPhone X positioning, but overall sales since seem to have eased those fears.

The latest data from the company's research and badysis Kantar suggests that iOS's market share has increased by 5.9% from June 2017 to June 2018 The top eight smartphones sold in the market are iOS models according to Dominic Sunnebo of Kantar, global director of Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, who states:

Apple continues to exert tremendous power in the US market, with iPhone models constituting eight of ten best selling models in the last three months. Apple is currently enjoying an unprecedented depth across the entire spectrum of smartphone prices, ranging from the iPhone SE to the iPhone X $ 1,000; resulting in continued growth and hitting Samsung and LG hard. While Samsung is well represented in the high-end segment with its S9 and Note series, and its budget-driven J series is competitive with LG, the lack of depth at the mid-level allows Apple to find a new growth path .

This is an interesting argument. Normally, when we talk about Apple as a premium brand, we expect this perception to be mainly appreciated by high end models. But with Apple locking eight of the top selling phones in the US and the iPhone X identified as # 4, US consumers prefer to pack even non-X Apple devices on most Android devices, even though Android devices forward more


Data by Kantar

At the same time, I'm not sure I would say that Apple has found some sort of "new way" for growth The company sells more phones at more prices, which she did by continuing to sell older devices that she would have previously retired, which clearly paid off, but do not pretend that it need a Harvard MBA to find the phone. idea to sell a product you have already made.

Apple gained market share in countries like Germany and France, but lost two points of market share on Android in China (probably more unit sales). The iPhone X remains however the most sold Chinese device although iOS only enjoys about 19.4% of the market. Android holds 79.3% of the global smartphone market in Europe.

Kantar also notes that Huawei 's performance improvement has been a major factor in the overall success of Android, a fact that may scare Samsung. The P20 smartphone – a phone we introduced for its incredible performance on the DxO benchmark earlier this year – would have single handedly brought Huawei's UK market share from 2.7% to 13.7% over last three months. The US government has warned repeatedly against Huawei products and the company has no market in the United States.

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